The Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch is a book proportedly wrote by the prophet Enoch and details the Watchers & the Nephilim.


Religious texts describing the effects of the Watchers, and the Nephilim.

Historical Details


Supposedly wrote by the prophet Enoch, it tells the effects of wanton sin, and how it enetered the world that led YHWH to send the Flood.


Wrote centuries ago, Enoch wrote down the entering of specific sins into the world after the Watchers arrived to look over the Human race. He wrote down that the Watchers were sent by YHWH to look over Humanity and report back what they saw to Heaven. Unfortunately they started to interact with Humanity bring many sins to the species ranging from weapon ma=nufacturing to astrology, astronomy and many other unwanted sins. They also took women as brides and fathered the Nephilim with them. Thus the half Human / half Angel Giants were born. Due to this, YHWH sent the Flood to wipe out this sin, and to rid the world of the Watchers, the Nephilim, and the sins brought by these celestial beings.   Sadly no-one knows where the original book is. After a number of decades it has disappeared with a good number of related original Judaic & Christian texts. Many believe it has been hidden away to keep them from being destroyed by the Christian Churches who view them as heretical, though a few would say rhat Judaism & Islam would potentially view them as heretical too.

Public Reaction

A few parts are still found in smaller more esotoric strands of the Abrahamic religions and that much debate has now raged as to it's accuracy. This would show that there may be where the Giants of the Middle East come from and could easily be used to show they are in part semi-divine beings. This could lead to the Nephilim, at least what remains of their number, could claim ownership over swathes of the Holy Lands and usher in sweeping changes where the divine right of rulership would literally fall under the children of angels.


Most don't believe in the texts but a few do here & there, and many point to it as apocraphal texts. Because of the banning of it by many of the mainstream Christian Churches, Judaic Sects, and Islamic Sects, the ownership and/or knowledge of it is closely guarded by the few that do have some copied form of the texts. These condemn the more powerful sects as straying from the true path of YHWH's plan, and has resulted in the odd clash of powers here & there, usually in the Holy Lands.   Most believe that Huamity and the other sentinet beings are aspects of the divine already. Any deviance fron the official religious texts are commiting blasphemy and should be put to the sword where possible, and their communities put to the torch.

Cover image: by Colonel 101


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