The Devil of the Bohemian Massif

In recent years there is a rumour around settlements, military units, wood cutters and hunters that something evil is lurking deep in the north of the Bohemian Massif. Something is prowling the forest gathering ancient tribes of Celts, Germans, and Slavs under a banner that also includes beastmen and monsters. Those that stand against it is violently destroyed, forced into some kind of strange slavery or simply disappear. Most of the stories refer to some kind of Devil that appeared after a comet fell to Earth in the region bringing ill-fortune with it. After this entity escaped the fire of the crash, it appeared at small hamlets, wood camps, and charcoal burner camps, abducting them. Some returned altered showing marks similar to this monster.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Devil is in generally excellent condition with major parts replaced with high end cybernetics while organic parts are enhanced with bio-enhancements allowing for more durable tissue overall. He is generally lithe and belays a wiry strength in his frame as well as appearing armoured in a way that doesn't inhibit movement. Reddish glowing augments are present giving off a flaming or burning appearance on the inside.

Body Features

The Devil has been augmented with bio-engineered organic tissue that melded with the tissue already present so is barely perceptible to the naked eye.. A suit of cybernetics, armour and bio-engineered tissue encases his body giving the appearance as if they have grown over or out of his body. They are primarily black in colour with metal highlights & trim in many places and some parts have a reddish glow emanating from them, especially if overextended, appearing as if he is on fire internally.

Facial Features

A face that is firm and powerful glares at many a would-be enemy or victim. His nose & chin is slightly pronounced and a crest of while hair-like growth runs along the very top of his head. His remaining organic eye seems to give off a slight reddish glow deep within, while his left eye and part of the face there is completely cybernetic and quite hard to tell if any organic tissue is below. The left eye glows with a slight red glow when resting to a bright fiery red when active.

Physical quirks

The Devil isn't necessarily the fastest creature that could be encountered. Instead he seems to take things at a sure steady pace, as inevitable as death itself. Exceptionally tough & resilient, he is extremely strong and with the nanomachines in his body can heal almost any damage done.

Special abilities

The Devil has the following built-in:
  • Force Field Generator. This has sensors spread throughout his body that reacts to incoming hits, adding a layer of protection to absorb any damage. It works by altering the the density of air close to his body. All drones seem to have this basic ability too, and if one is injured or killed, then information on what done this is loaded up to the rest to allow the generators of others to work out the best time and density of the field for future use.
  • Nanomachines. The nanomachines inside the Devil's body can rebuild injured parts, up[grade parts, replace them, or grow new parts altogether. The Devil needs access to material to ingest where necessary for some of these to be able to carry out such jobs. Also, any blueprints for the actions of these can be passed to drones through the network to allow them access to the same parts.

Apparel & Accessories

Replacement & swappable parts such as digits, left eye lenses, and blades that can be attached are hung from a belt on his waist.

Specialized Equipment

The Devil has three pieces of specialised equipment on him at all times. These are:
  • Domination Chip. Fixed deep in his brain this chip allows him to control, evaluate input / output, and order his drones all within a few miles. If near his ship this seems to increase the range.
  • Plasma Cutter. This handheld device can be mounted on his wrist or forearm, producing a beam of highly charged plasma within a few feet if need be. Its capable of cutting through almost all types of metal or stone except in the cases of adamantium, mithril, or other ultra-rare metals.
  • Nanomachine injector. A similar device to the plasma cutter, this device sends out a flexible tubule with a hardened tip that penetrates through clothing or armour. It then pumps nanomachines out of a reservoir at it's base into the victim.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Devil of the Bohemian Massif is not of the Earth. Born to a race far off-world in an empire that travel the stars, his species are an aggressive kind and constantly looking to expand. This species has become known for its use of cybernetic and nanotechnology with elements of bioengineering. Each one is a cyborg taking in elements of the machine into themselves and their equipment. Some take in more than most bonding themselves to their equipment & machines till little is left but the literal brain in a jar, or in this case brain in a machine. Synthetically grown organs feature too, allowing for such amalgamation of humanoid & machine interface.   While no different in many regards to his species, the Devil is driven, even for his own kind. Rising through the ranks with a strong sense of self and belief in oneself, he has become one of their leading warlords. Leading a massive fleet of warships across the void and given command of an army he has both defended his kind from threats unimaginable while ruthlessly exterminating many alien empires.   Roughly 10 Earth years ago, he was responsible for the extermination of one empire called The Lights of Heaven. Finding their homeworld, he had his fleet & army scour all life of this empire's home star system. Unfortunately it proved his downfall too. While he & his overlords were glad such an empire had been defeated, they had made a grave error too. It turned out that the system of the Lights of Heaven held an ancient secret. Upon their homeworld, hundreds of shards of amber were found, all about seven feet tall or more, and half as wide. Each had been placed in a set of chambers below a mountain range near the capital city of the Lights of Heaven, and miles below. Each piece of amber contained the remains of an unnamed deity, many driven insane, and many many more just pure malevolent. The Light of Heaven collected these from all over known space and locked them away to protect the galaxy as a whole.   As luck would have it, one contained an essence that called to the Overlord of the Devil, and the Devil himself. Both were high ranking military men, with a taste in domination and in practical application in their species' use of the sciences. This essence sensed this and proceeded to use it's power of telepathy to converse with both. In doing so, it found that it was only a shard of a deity far more powerful than most trapped in the Amber Sarcophagi, and knew that other shards lay around the galaxy. One such had landed not far from the Overlord & Devil's ancestral home, and had manipulated the bloodline. Calling itself The Lord of the Flesh, it could sense other shards, and directed them to reunite the pieces.   By this point, the ruling body of the species had made a law to bar any of these shards being moved out of the desolate system, and anyone entering had to have a very good reason. The Devil had managed to get permission under the guise of checking that none had been removed while surreptitiously removed the Lord of the Flesh from the planet. Unfortunately, later checks revealed what had happened and the Devil was put on an older class of ship as exiled for his crime. Knowing that if he could find the remainder of the shards reuniting them, the Lord of the Flesh could supply him with plans & schematics to technology far superior than those already used. If he could report back with this information then he would be forgiven, or so he believes.   Having downloaded these with the help of his Overlord, he set out towards a star named Sol by some of it's local peoples. There had been reports of other species having travelled there, and some of these had reported finding a number of Amber Sarcophagi. In the back of his mind, the Devil could also sense a few smaller shards of the Lord of the Flesh emanating from that region too.   Taking about 8 years to reach the Sol System, all seemed to be going to plan. That is until he was attacked halfway in-system. Streaking from behind a gas giant the silent behemoth of a hunter species ambushed him causing severe damage to his own ship's systems. So bad was it that there was o way to repair it, and the crew that were loyal to him (and helped him in the previous theft) were killed to a man. The only plan of action he had was to make for the only inhabited planet in the system, the third planet known as Earth to some of the locals.   Streaking through the sky at hundreds if not thousands of miles per hour, the ship appeared as a comet entering the atmosphere, eventually crashing into the region referred to by the local populace as the Bohemian Massif. Many who saw it in the sky of a warm Summer night in 798 AD thought it was an ill-omen and what would come in the northern part of this forest were not mistaken.   Shortly after crashing, the Devil surveyed everything he could taking in as much data as he could. Noticing the abundance of untapped metal ores & organic material in the region he set about collecting as much as possible of both. It seemed to take too much time by himself so he changed tack. Having access to nanomachines onboard and in himself he started to reprogram some of these and set off to areas where humans & other humanoids were present. Attacking or kidnapping where possible he infected by injecting the nanomachines he's harvested into humans, dwarves, elves, and beastmen. By doing this the nanomachines started to corrupt and rewrite elements of the creatures DNA as well as 'growing' artificial machine-like organs in them. One major organ is a device in the brain of the victims that supresses the individuality of the individual, sending out a signal to those with the same within a few miles, and  and receiving signals back. By doing so, the Devil has built up a number of mind-slaved individuals who act as a whole like an ant colony with him as a defacto monarch at the top.   Sometimes they have overrun smaller settlements where there is materials and/or a number of potential slaves are present. This has led to armed responses, though the numbers are gradually growing and they are not above massacring communities to protect their identity. The level of technology makes each of his followers, and the Devil himself, highly difficult to kill by conventional means. It also terrifies those who encounter him & his followers, who believe that the technology they use is akin to magic, and not actual science. t is not helped that many of his followers are sent on missions to the Underdark or other out of the way places to track down Amber shards no matter what the latter contains. A recent attack on a monastery to the west led to a major shard being discovered along with the monastery being burned to the ground. Most of the monks were brutally massacred, and countless priceless objects taken. In the latter case, for what purposes are not entirely clear, though the repairs to the ship is gradually gaining speed.   Local summons for the bravest military & adventurers are in the process of being rolled out in many surrounding regions as the Devil is growing in influence and become more bolder in his moves. Talk is off him seeking the remains of a cavern below a tower & valley in the east of the Frankish empire, and a mythic island in the Baltic Sea, has caused many nations (especially the Franks, Saxons & Eastern Slavs, and notably the Ilmen tribe) to take greater notice.

Highly dangerous alien organism Hyper-advanced defences & weapons Looking for something on Earth

Character Location
"We ran into that contemptable creature, the Devil of the Bohemian Massif. I was the only one to survive. The monster walked into our logging camp three weeks ago. Attacked & killed five of the guards in no time with that magical thing on it's wrist. Burned right through them. Started on the others shortly after, using the same magic item. The rest panicked, especially with it being night.   He stalked the rest doing something with his right hand and the men dropping & having seizures afterwards. I was farthest away and just ran into the forest at that point. Made my way to some monastery near the camp. They would minister to the Christians amongst us, and help heal up the sick & injured. At first they thought I had some type of psychosis, then other survivors from other camps, and some hamlets over the next two weeks with similar stories. Massacres in each one, though had one major difference. They consistently told of what appeared to be the dead walking with this Devil. That's what we called it during this time.   Seemed to be indiscriminate in what it brought back. Humans, elves, dwarves, beastmen, the odd halfling & gnome and worse was following it now. At least that's what was following it when it attacked the monastery. Most of the people just broke down & gave up after that. No escape, that's what many believed, and that the Lord had abandoned them. I kind of agreed that the gods had abandoned us. Didn't matter either way. The monks tried to use prayer and exorcism to stop the horde. Didn't help. They went down first, then the others with me.   The thing that made me run a second time, and by the gods I wish I didn't, was in the horde was members of my logging camp. Walking and changed. Wearing or growing strange devices & organs on their bodies. Alterations to their anatomy were also present. Some had arms & hands replaced it appeared and strangely shaped replacements attached or grown in place. Eyes was another common one. Feet and parts of the legs too. Each was slower moving but incredibly strong. Tough too.   They flooded the grounds and then I saw the Devil. He made for the church and broke in through the heavy doors. Started to direct some of his followers to take metal items and books. Some of the others set fire to the church but that made no difference. I could see him catch fire at one stage and it didn't affect him,. Just walked out out, saw me staring to run off, and could hear him shout after me: 'Don't worry little one. I'll be with you soon, and you will serve me & mine.'   He let me go and never followed, and fled here before moving on. Far enough away I hope but I think there will be no place far away ever. Prepare yourselves anyway. And be safe."   Fjord Volkmann, Saxon logger who recently fled the Bohemian Massif. He travelled as far as Eschbach talking to the Council of Three before fleeing further west. A few days later he was found dead in the forests to the west with his body from the neck down warped & combined with many strange warped metallic & biological growths on & in his body.
Neutral Evil
Red & one glowing with artificial light
Shortish and white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin with what looks like strange implants and some white hair

Cover image: by Colonel 101


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