The Eaters of Worlds

The Eaters of World, also known in some sources as the Plague Wind, the Void Cloud,and the Dead World Swarm, is an intergalactic swatm of monstrous creatiures appearing in systems where life is abundant on one or more planets.   First noticed on planets with Star Gods, this swarm is made up of smaller creatures as warped as the Star Gods themselves. They originally were considered by other species as a mix of symbiote or parasite of these horrific monsters. This proved false when news spread through different groups with contacts throughtout the Multiverse whisper that the Eaters of Worlds spread to different Material Worlds attracted to the spoor of the Star Gods. When the latter die off on a world a signal of sorts seem to be sent out through the Planes travelling on ethereal winds of the Far Realms. Picked up by the hives of the Eaters, and especially their queens, they float through space using magic to travel the universe looking for these planets.   Based around anything from a single meteor to multiple, at it's  hollowed out core is the queen (the largest creatures of their kind) resides, it eventually arrives. By this time enough of the Eaters have hatched and grown large enough to descend. When they do, they strip everything they can of the biomass, water and at times the atmosphere.   On a few occasions, they will descend but not fully devour everything. Usually this happens when a Star God remains in a weakened state or the Far Realms have heavily infected a world. These worlds act as a staging post for multiple swarms to interbreed, and even alter the life on the world to better suit the needs of Star Gods, and other aberrations.   On the odd world, cults to the Star Gods may attract a small hive of these insectile creatures. There they serve as pets, guardians, and many other minor roles to aid the cultists. Some Star Gods can even gift a small hive to chosen individuals that aid them. They can be used as well to torment those who cross paths with these gods and thwart the god's plans.   The creatures themselves vary in size from the size of a housefly to the size of an average sized dog. Each will show basic traits of insect wings, multilpe limbs of which some are tentacled, either clusters of human-like eyes or compound eyes, and chitin covered bodies. The faces are are based on savage beasts or sapient creatures, with insectile features. Most are mutable to some degree, stink to the high heavens, and appear coruppted & against nature in all it's forms.

Cover image: by Colonel 101


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Oct 5, 2024 05:26 by Barron

Well that's just terrifying.