The Eye of the Damned

The Eye of the Damned

Wondrous Item

Legendary Requires Attunement

Truesight. Once per day the Eye can be used to spot invisible, hidden and/or fully obscured targets for 1 hour. It regains this after a long rest.   Targeted Force. The Eye grants advantage on all ranged attacks, whether by weapons or by magic. If using a nonmagical weapon, it is treated as magical.   Visions of Apocalypse. This can be used once a day, recharging over 24 hours. The Eye grants a vision of a nightmarish apocalypse in the near future (within a single month). It clearly shows the destruction of a city, region, or even world. When it does, it is clear as to the city, region, or world, and those on either side as clear as day. This allows the user to giving clues as to help avoid the outcome, as it also shows the possible build up and cause of the apocalypse. It also causes two levels of exhaustion to see this.   Gift of Foresight. The Eye can be used to show the possible death of a creature when called to. It causes one level of exhaustion to do this.   The Walking Dead. The Eye always shows a dark greenish light around any undead or fiends that are present within 60 ft, and a small ball of glowing purple, pointing towards large concentrated groups or powerful of undead and/or fiends. It gets brighter until it is almost blinding when the point is reached, and the undead is visible.   Staring Through The Eyes Of The Dead & Damned. Once every 24 hours, the user can see through the eyes of an undead creature or fiend within 5 miles. At the same time, the undead or fiend can see through the eyes of the user. The user (and the undead or fiend) can see as if actually being there, and if they have an ability (like Darkvision) can use that if necessary with the usual constraints. If the undead or fiend has 5+ Intelligence and can communicate, it can inform others of this happening.   Knowing Where It Is. Any spellcasting and/or 10+ Intelligence / Wisdom bearing undead or fiend can sense the Eye within 1 mile.

by Alexandra Malygina

The Eye of the Damned is a beautifully wrought pearl, with a sapphire set placed running through the centre. It is mounted on a strap of tough leather made of undead elvish skin, and held in the centre portion of it using a silvery filament to hold it in place. It is made in such a way to be worn on the forehead with the strap running round the back of the head. Any creature of between 3' to 8' can use it.

It is reported to be lost, though rumours persist it is buried under the Tower of Emon Kanis in Aachen, and the Necrocult has pinpointed it's location. They are looking for it with agents in the city, and looking to attack the city to get at it if need be. It is rumoured to be in an old dragon's tomb hidden below the tower, but not much else is known. There are also rumours of another somewhere. Exactly where is a complete mystery.

Cost: 5000000gp
Weight: 2 lb

Item type
Unique Artifact

Cover image: by Alexandra Malygina


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