The Heart of Blood

The Heart of Blood is a ruby with shards of amber through it and on it. It throbs with an ancient evil, and gets warmer when held for any length of time.   Rumours of this object has travelled around the Middle East for millennia now. It seems that the Heart belonged to either Lilith or Lamia before being given to the first true vampire. Said to be the heart of one of these two monsters, anyone who claims it as their own starts to change into a vampire.   The rumours also state that the ruby is the heart of a god of vampires and was responsible for carrying out a grand ploy to condemn one of the two (or even both) to be cursed with undeath & to become a vampire. The amber is meant to belong to the amber sarcophagus that held the god, whose name is all but forgotten. Also, it is part of the rumour that it was originally discovered in a ruined city hidden away in the middle of either the deserts of old Sumerland, or Libya, and only if it returned here, placed on an ancient plinth in an ancient temple, and shattered with a pure silver hammer during high noon will it be destroyed.   Exactly where it is at present is unknown, and many speculate that it is hidden in Europe at present, either somewhere in Eastern Europe, or even archived by the Vatican (mainly to stop the wicked getting access to it). It is known that continual use creates a new vampire eventually after seven days, with the victim turning at 3 am in the morning.  
As a side note, the same rumours also state that if placed on the same plinth, and a sufficiently suitable sacrifice is made over it at 3 am at night time, it will suck up all the blood on & around it (in a 10 foot pool) and immediately resurrect the god to it's full status.

The Heart of Blood

Wondrous Item

Legendary Requires Attunement

When held, the Heart of Blood adds 2d6 temporary hit points when the user strikes & wounds a creature (other than a construct or undead), for the first hit while holding it.   If this hit reduces a creature to zero hit points, the user feels the need to drink the blood of the slain. If done so, they can immediately restore 2d6 of their hit points they have lost.   They also get Darkvision of 60 ft, and can turn into a mist once per day, along with any equipment and the stone, and can travel through a 1 inch space that air can get through. This latter ability can only be used once per day.   The person's Strength & Constitution is increased to 18, unless either is already at this or higher. They also can't be harmed except by magical attacks.   Curse. If attuned & kept for seven days or longer, the person becomes sensitive to sunlight & running water. If in either they take 1d10 force damage until they move out of these.

The Heart of Blood is a large ruby about the size of a fist, covered & ran through with shards of amber. It throbs with the power of an ancient evil.

Cost: 5000000 gp
Weight: 5 lb


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