The Speaker of the First Men

The Speaker of the First Men is an ancient creature, rarely seen but filled with damning knowledge. A creature that has seen many empires and creatures rise & fall.   He seems to be like any other First Man, a twist misshapen humanlike being yet possessed with nigh impossible power from a source only guessed at. Wherever the Speaker appears death, doom and darkness quickly follows in some form or another either for an individual or a whole region. Appeariing initially from the Underddark during some cosmic event, he will seek out the nearest community and preach that the "Gods that Slumber in darkness below the waves or ground has seen their envoy... Me" to any who will hear him. This leads to some prophecy as to how the region, it's people or even someone specific will fail horribly and bring about their own destruction unless they let the Gods that Slumber in. Eactly what these gods are is another though he does seem to have their mark on him. Anyone who gets a look into the eyes of the Speaker will see a blue dot and two whorls in place of thepupil & iris, which glows with a bright inner light when addressing the specific audience that he seeks out.   Also, dressed in browny grey robes, he is skin appears like layers of decaying bone dry paper, with strange growr=ths appearing to one side from his cheek to the inside of his hood. Never seen in any other form, the rest of his body always remains covered. A strange air hangs around him, and he speaks in raspy whisper to a grating boom when raised. All the while those that are in his vicinty feels something, ancient and otherworldly start to push into their minds, though quickly fades when he departs.   Except of course, with those he targets. The person or persons who are his target audience starts to feel the world around them and their own minds start to warp and shift. The weight of change and the pull of alien minds start to take over pulling another dimension of madness and mutation through to reality. Within the space of a few short weeks the persons affected take their own lives or those around them as the effects get worse & worse ybtil body & soul can't take it any more. Others who follow up on this or pass through such a region describes it has having an eerie feeling to it, as if they are being sucked into something just beyond the veil of reality. Those with access to magic, or those touched by their own deities, sometimes pick up something else... life trying push through like nothing from the Material Plane.   A few will speak of creatures similar to the dreaded Star Spawn, warped monstrosities from the Far Realms, as ahving took root in the area. All feel that there is some intelligence behind it all, and the Speaker is the envoy. The same few that encouter the Speaker and survive will state that he seems to appear similar below the physical appearance, a warped twisted entity brimming with power ready to burst like a dam with the power of the Far Realms.   When they say twisted, they really find it indecscribable as to what the Speaker realy looks like. To many he is like an amorphous blob of body parts constantly shifting with eyes, puckered mouths, razor sharp claws & teeth, and tentacled masses with an internal hues of bright blue spilling from ruptures in his tissue.   Most are driven insane by the strangeness of the Speaker, and few survive long after an encounter. Thankfully rare few have encountered him in many years. Those that know anythign of the First men believe that he was potentially the last remaining one of his kind and took in the essence of the gods they worshipped, and bloated with the souls of his people. Now looking vengeance on the world that is changed forever, they believe he looks to destroy it, one small region after another.   The same people also keep a watch for when the stars and/or planets align in some mystical design, or when a comet or shooting star of specific types vtrash down to Earth. Even when strange occurances take place they may soon point to the possible return of the Speaker.

Cover image: by Colonel 101


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