Tribal Warriors

Many tribal groups have warriors in their midst. Indeed, many such societies the average person will be trained to fight from childhood, becoming a warrior besides any other daily tasks they assume in life. Any number of regional tribes can be found like this. The Celts, Norse & Germanic peoples, many African tribal groups, most Steppes peoples, all are the same. Most fight when their tribe is threatened by outside forces, or in taking over another tribe's land & resources. The majority fight using shields and/or basic armour, spears, a spear or bow of some type, and a basic melee weapon such as a long knife and/or axe. A few use horses and either have a few cavalry units, or are all mounted cavalry (as in the Steppes peoples). A few also are backed up by magic wielding cleric and/or sorcerers, warlocks, or wizards.   A few of these tribes might band together to create a large unstoppable army, that might only last as long as the leaders can get on or control their people. Others might hire themselves out as mercenaries, and bring the rest of the tribe with them as a makeshift baggage train. Sometimes temporary or sometimes permanent, it depends on any number of factors for a tribe to be able to make war.


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