War Pigs

War pigs are pigs used in groups to disrupt fighting formations. Less common now than in the past, yet they still have their uses. Hoarded up the battlefield, the pigs were generally partially covered in pitch, oil or other such flammable material. When they are needed they are set alight and herded towards the enemy ranks.   The first mentions were of Alexander the Great using them against the early Indian armies to disrupt the elephant mounted troops to disrupt their formations, by scaring the elephants with the pigs screeches & smell. The Romans later adopted the same tactic against Hannibal. It works well to scare off mounted troops just as easily as breaking infantry formations, mainly for the chance of them catching fire and the sounds the pigs make. Some use it too to break Islamic & Jewish units, mainly for their religious views of pigs being unclean animals.



This is entirely dependant on how many pigs can be rounded up. A few is usually enough and requires a handful of men to deal with the pigs themselves. The same men will apply the tar or equivalent, and force the pigs into the front line. When lit it is just a matter for the men to make sure the pigs go in the general direction they want.


The only requirement is a source of tar, oil, or equivalent, and a source of fire.


The tactics are simple and straightforward. Light the pigs and get them to run in the direction of the enemy if at all possible.


No training is really required. Any levies used to handling such animals as farmers will have the basic training already.



Minimal upkeep is unnecessary, as the formation is drawn from the troops present, and the pigs are drawn from local farming communities. It may just cost the basic pay of the troops, and a few extra to buy the pigs.


The pigs are purchased from a farming community that rears them, that's it.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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