Medium plant, unaligned
Armor Class: 11
Hit Points: 30 4d10+8
Damage Vulnerabilities: Fire
Senses: passive Perception 15
Challenge Rating: 1
Innocuous. The whipthorn looks like any other plant, and usually hides amongst other plant species making it hard to see. It forces a -4 to a DC Wisdom (Perception) on any creature to spot it.
Entangled. If the whipthorn drags any creature to it's mass of branches, and the creature is not paralyzed, it must pass a DC 14 Strength test to break free of the branches.
Multiattack. The whipthorn can attack with up to two branches.
Branch. Melee Weapon Attack +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit 9 2d8+1 slashing damage, plus 6 2d6 poison damage. Also, a DC 12 Constitution saving throw is required so as not to be paralysed. On a success, the creature is fine. On a fail, the creature is paralyzed, and has to make the same roll at the start of every turn. When one is passed the paralyzing toxin wears off.
Whipthorn is a bush that grows in forested regions, and a carnivorous plant. It has long agile branches (about 2 metres long) covered in hooked thorns, with small dark green waxy leaves at the base of these. It flowers in spring and disperses it's seeds in summer. The branches are usually kept tight up to the base of the plant with it's central root system in below. When a creature gets too close the root system can pick up the vibrations causing at least one branch to shoot out, uncurling and wrapping around the prey. Each thorn is filled with a paralyzing toxin that partially helps protect it, and to sedate it's prey. When pooled in the creature is bound tight in the thorns, and eventually dies over a period of time. The rotting corpse helps to nourish the plant. The gear and some bones can be found within the plant and below it. The bush itself can grow up to a couple of metres out and about 5 metres wide.
Suggested Environments