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Followers of Adikor are characterized by their lack of ambition, motivation, and drive. They embody the philosophy of taking life easy, avoiding effort and exertion whenever possible. Their worship is marked by a passive acceptance of their circumstances, as they eschew hard work and responsibility in favor of idleness and leisure. They are content to drift through life without purpose or direction, content to let the world pass them by without making any effort to change it. Their devotion to their deity is reflected in their lethargic demeanor and lack of initiative, as they embrace a life of sloth and inactivity. They shun the pursuit of success and achievement, preferring instead to while away their days in pursuit of pleasure and relaxation. Their lives are characterized by a lack of ambition and drive, as they drift aimlessly from one day to the next, content to let life happen to them rather than actively engaging with it. They may spend their days lounging in the sun, indulging in idle gossip, or simply staring off into space, lost in their own thoughts. Their philosophy of apathy and laziness permeates every aspect of their lives, as they reject the notion of hard work and effort in favor of a carefree existence devoid of ambition or purpose.

Divine Domains

Apathy, Laziness, Indolence

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