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Cavern Troll

"Our journey through the mountain's heart brought us face-to-face with a creature of nightmares – the Cavern Troll. It emerged from the shadows like a living darkness, its eyes gleaming with malevolent intelligence. We fought valiantly, but its regeneration was relentless, each wound knitting together as fast as we could inflict it. It was only when we lured it into a trap, collapsing part of the cavern ceiling, that we managed to escape with our lives. The troll's roar still haunts my dreams, a reminder of the ancient terrors that dwell beneath the earth."

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Cavern Trolls are predominantly found deep within the labyrinthine tunnels and expansive underground caverns of the world's mountainous regions. They prefer the darkest, most isolated parts of these subterranean networks, often taking residence near underground rivers or lakes. These trolls are highly territorial, marking their domain with crude symbols and the bones of their prey to ward off intruders. Their lairs are typically scattered with the remnants of past meals and crude, makeshift furniture fashioned from rock and bone.


Cavern Trolls are nocturnal and reclusive by nature, emerging from their dark abodes only under the cover of night or when driven by hunger. They are ambush predators, utilizing their keen senses and intimate knowledge of their surroundings to stalk and surprise their prey. Cavern Trolls possess a brutal cunning, often setting traps or using the natural terrain to their advantage. They are fiercely territorial and will aggressively defend their lairs against any perceived threat. Despite their fearsome appearance and ferocity, Cavern Trolls are known to be solitary creatures, avoiding contact with other trolls unless for mating purposes.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Fimbul - 1

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