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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Damocles, once a devout cleric in service to a benevolent deity, found his faith shattered when a cataclysmic event befell his homeland. The once-thriving village he called home was consumed by a dark plague that left no soul untouched. As the villagers succumbed, Damocles fervently prayed to his deity for salvation, but his pleas remained unanswered. Desperation took root in his heart, and in his darkest hour, he turned away from the benevolent light that had failed him.   In his grief and despair, Damocles sought solace in the forbidden knowledge of forbidden texts. He delved into ancient tomes and occult rituals, seeking a power that could defy the very forces that had ravaged his home. His quest for forbidden knowledge led him to a mysterious cult that worshipped an entity from the shadows. Drawn to the promise of dark power and revenge, Damocles embraced the teachings of this clandestine sect, forsaking his former faith for a new and ominous allegiance.   Under the tutelage of the cult, Damocles became a dark priest, wielding shadowy powers that mirrored the very plague that had claimed his village. His once-pure intentions warped into a desire for retribution against the divine forces that had failed him. Embracing his new role as a harbinger of darkness, Damocles reveled in the forbidden rituals and eldritch rites that granted him unholy powers.   As his dark influence grew, Damocles sought to spread the shadowy plague that had consumed his homeland, viewing it as a twisted form of justice against a world that had forsaken him. His once-compassionate heart became tainted by the malevolent forces he had unleashed, and he donned the mantle of a dark priest with a vengeful purpose. Damocles now moves through the shadows, a figure of dread and whispered curses, spreading the dark plague that both empowers him and reflects the broken faith that led him down this accursed path.

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