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Mental characteristics

Personal history

There once lived a man named David—a humble soul with a heart as big as the sky and a dream to make a difference in the world. Inspired by the tales of brave explorers and intrepid adventurers who dared to venture into the unknown, David devoted himself to a singular purpose: to build a bridge that would span the river and provide safe passage for those who sought to explore the wilds beyond.   With tireless determination and unwavering resolve, David toiled day and night, cutting down trees, shaping stone, and laying the foundation for his grand vision. As the bridge took shape, so too did his hope for a brighter future, where travelers from far and wide could traverse the river with ease and embark on their own adventures into the wilderness.   But just as the final stones were laid and the bridge stood ready to serve its purpose, tragedy struck in the form of a bandit lurking in the shadows. Ambushed and slain by the cowardly assailant, David's life was cut short, his body cast into the river whose waters he had sought to tame.   Now, as his spirit lingers on in the liminal space between the worlds of the living and the dead, David's soul is consumed by a single burning desire: vengeance. From the ethereal realm, he watches and waits, his spectral form bound to the bridge he built with his own hands, his heart filled with righteous fury and a thirst for justice.   Though his physical form may have perished, David's spirit remains indomitable, fueled by the memory of his untimely demise and the injustice of his fate. And as he bides his time, he knows that one day, the bandit who robbed him of his life will face the wrath of his vengeful spirit, and justice will be served at last.

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