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Durgan Stoneshield

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Durgan Stoneshield, a young and restless dwarf with a mischievous glint in his eyes, was among the group that migrated from Frostholm to Terrafirma under the leadership of his grandfather, Grimgar Stoneshield. Unlike the diligent and hardworking nature that often defined his kind, Durgan possessed a streak of laziness and a desire for quick rewards that set him apart.   Born into a family of renowned miners, Durgan grew up surrounded by stories of grand expeditions and rich mining hauls. His upbringing instilled in him a sense of entitlement and a belief that his path to success would be an easy one. He dreamed of stumbling upon a hidden vein of precious gems or stumbling upon a treasure trove that would provide him with instant wealth and fame.   With Terrafirma as the new frontier, Durgan saw an opportunity to make his mark without exerting too much effort. He envisioned a life of leisure, where riches would flow into his hands effortlessly, free from the toilsome labor that defined the lives of most dwarves. Durgan joined his grandfather's venture with the hope that this new endeavor would be his ticket to a quick payday.   However, as time passed and the realities of mining in Terrafirma set in, Durgan's dreams of easy wealth began to fade. The harsh conditions, treacherous terrains, and the need for patient persistence were in stark contrast to his initial expectations. While his fellow dwarves toiled diligently, Durgan found himself lagging behind, preferring to take shortcuts and shirking his responsibilities whenever possible.   Yet, despite his laziness, Durgan possessed a spark of resourcefulness and quick thinking. He had a knack for finding unconventional solutions to problems, often relying on his wit and charm to navigate through challenging situations. His mischievous nature made him adept at spotting opportunities for small-scale cons or lucrative trades, even if it meant bending the rules.   Though Grimgar frowned upon his grandson's lazy tendencies, he couldn't help but recognize the potential within Durgan's cunning mind. Despite the occasional frustrations, Grimgar hoped that the trials and experiences of Terrafirma would eventually shape Durgan into a more responsible and hardworking individual, with a deeper appreciation for the rewards that come from perseverance and dedication.


Family Ties

Grimgar is his grandfather.

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