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Galadrian Stormstride

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Galadrian Stormstride, once a prominent member of the elven community in The Great Elderwood, fell from grace due to his insatiable greed and disregard for nature. Known as a lumber tycoon, Galadrian owned all the lumber camps in Bridgehaven, exploiting the vast forests for profit. His banishment from the Great Elderwood came as a consequence of his relentless pursuit of wealth, as he callously chopped down ancient trees without concern for their significance.   Unlike most elves, Galadrian had little regard for the balance of nature. He valued gold above all else, and his ruthless pursuit of wealth alienated him from his elven brethren. However, there was one person in Bridgehaven whom Galadrian respected, albeit for shallow reasons. That person was Kina, the talented female elf blacksmith. The fact that she shared his elven heritage was enough for Galadrian to hold her in higher regard than others. While their interests greatly differed, their shared ancestry formed a tenuous bond between them.   Galadrian Stormstride's reputation as a self-serving and profit-driven individual precedes him in Bridgehaven. His vast wealth and influence in the lumber industry have earned him both admirers and detractors. Though his actions have caused harm to the natural world, Galadrian remains unyielding in his pursuit of riches, standing as a symbol of the consequences of unchecked greed in the elven society.

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