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Gelatinous Cube

From the depths of forgotten dungeons emerges a Gelatinous Cube, an otherworldly entity seemingly born of magical essence and enigmatic origins. Its amorphous, translucent body pulsates with an eerie glow, concealing the remnants of its previous meals. An encounter with this creature is a harrowing experience, as its gelatinous form silently glides through the darkness, ready to consume all life in its path. Beware the shimmering trap of the Gelatinous Cube, a testament to the strange and mystical forces that permeate the world.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Gelatinous Cubes are peculiar creatures that dwell primarily in dark and damp environments such as dungeons, underground passages, and forgotten ruins. These amorphous entities appear as semi-transparent cubes, slowly gliding along surfaces as they search for unsuspecting prey. They are commonly found in areas where magical energies are prevalent, drawn to the arcane residue left behind by ancient spells and enchantments.


Gelatinous Cubes are unique and enigmatic creatures. Lacking any visible organs or discernible anatomy, they possess a gelatinous body that absorbs and dissolves organic matter. These creatures are highly effective hunters, their transparent form allowing them to blend seamlessly with their surroundings. Gelatinous Cubes patiently wait for unsuspecting creatures to stumble into their path, at which point they swiftly engulf their prey, dissolving them with potent digestive enzymes.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Alais - 1

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