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Ghostly Mob

Amidst the darkness, a mournful lament fills the air, and the chilling sensation of a thousand icy fingers crawl up your spine. The ghostly mob emerges from the shadows, a swirling mass of spectral beings fused together by their shared anguish and wrath. Beware, for their vengeance knows no bounds, and they will not rest until they have exacted their eternal revenge.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Ghostly mobs are often encountered in abandoned or haunted locations, such as ancient ruins, decrepit dungeons, and cursed graveyards. They are bound to places of great tragedy or malevolence, where the remnants of lost souls linger in restless torment.


The ghostly mob is a collective manifestation of vengeful spirits that were once bound together by a common purpose or fate. Their spectral forms are twisted and ethereal, and they move as one entity with a chilling unity. These malevolent spirits exist in a perpetual state of anger and sorrow, seeking retribution against the living for perceived wrongs or ancient grievances. When disturbed, they rise as an ominous cloud of wispy apparitions, their mournful wails echoing through the air.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Vida - 1

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