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Ice Snake

The Ice Snake, a colossal creature that can reach lengths of up to 60 feet, thrives in the unforgiving domains of the northern and polar regions. These serpents, perfectly adapted to the icy tundras, are masters of patience and precision. Lurking beneath the frozen surfaces of lakes and rivers, they lie in wait for their prey, their powerful bodies coiled and ready to strike with incredible speed. As apex predators of their arctic habitat, the Ice Snakes epitomize the balance between power and patience. Their elusive nature and the frigid allure of their realm make them an embodiment of the chilling beauty of the frozen wilderness.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The elusive Ice Snake is a creature well-suited to frigid and desolate landscapes. These serpents are most commonly found in the icy tundras, frozen lakes, and polar regions of the Twelve Lands. Adapted to the harshest of winter environments, they move with grace and stealth beneath the snow-covered terrain. They prefer dwelling near bodies of water, where they can hunt for fish and other aquatic prey, emerging from beneath the ice in their quest for sustenance.


Ice Snakes are formidable hunters, making them one of the apex predators in their frozen domain. Their behavior is characterized by a patient and calculated hunting strategy. These serpents lie in wait beneath the ice, sensing vibrations and movements in the water. When potential prey ventures too close, they strike with astonishing speed, using their powerful bodies to propel themselves through the icy depths. Ice Snakes are solitary creatures, and their movements are driven by the need to hunt and sustain themselves in the unforgiving cold of their habitat.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Caprinus - 1   Enigma - 1

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