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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into poverty and raised amidst the harsh realities of life on the streets, Kat's childhood was marked by hardship and adversity. But where others saw weakness, Kat saw opportunity—a chance to rise above her circumstances and seize control of her destiny.   From a young age, Kat displayed a ruthless cunning and a penchant for manipulation, using her wits and charm to navigate the treacherous waters of the criminal underworld. With each passing year, her ambitions grew, fueled by a thirst for power and a hunger for dominance.   It was during one of her many schemes that Kat encountered Adkin, a young and impressionable thief drawn to her aura of danger and unpredictability. Recognizing his strength and potential as a valuable asset, Kat took him under her wing, christening him "The Hood" and molding him into a formidable enforcer within her bandit gang.   But while Adkin pledged his loyalty to Kat without question, she saw him only as a pawn in her grand game of power and control. Behind her charming facade lay a cold and calculating mind, devoid of empathy or compassion. To Kat, emotions were nothing but a weakness to be exploited, and she used Adkin's infatuation with her to further her own ambitions.   Under Kat's ruthless leadership, the bandit gang grew in strength and influence, striking fear into the hearts of those who dared to oppose them. With each act of violence and betrayal, Kat reveled in the chaos she wrought, her insatiable thirst for power driving her ever onward towards her ultimate goal.
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Fimbul

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