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Deep within the ancient woodland, where the air is thick with the scent of moss and wildflowers, resides the enigmatic Korred. Cloaked in a mantle of leaves and bark, these fey guardians are master artisans and musicians, their skill rivaling that of the finest human craftsmen. Their magical beards, shimmering with ethereal glow, ripple with the winds of their enchantments, each strand a testament to their mystical prowess. Their melodious laughter, accompanied by the soft rustling of their beards, echoes through the glades, enthralling all who hear it. But beware, for beneath their playful exterior lies a fierce protector, ready to unleash the wild forces of nature upon any who would desecrate their sacred realm.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Korreds are elusive fey creatures that make their homes deep within ancient forests and secluded groves. They are typically found in areas rich with magical energy and surrounded by towering trees and moss-covered stones. Korreds have a strong affinity for nature and are often seen communing with the spirits of the forest and tending to the flora that thrives under their care.


Korreds are known for their mischievous nature and their skill in crafting intricate stone carvings and musical instruments. With their long, flowing beards imbued with enchantment, Korreds possess a unique magical ability. They can manipulate their beards to weave illusions, conjure ethereal melodies, and even wield elemental forces. Their beards are a source of both their power and pride, and they carefully groom and adorn them with leaves, flowers, and tiny gems.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Alais - 1   Vash - 1

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