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Legends speak of the mimic as the shape-shifting trickster of the dungeon depths, a creature that preys on the avarice of those who seek treasures in forgotten places. Its form ever-changing, it lies in silent anticipation, wearing the guise of mundane objects until the moment is ripe for a surprise attack. Adventurers beware, for the line between the sought-after prize and a mimic's deadly trap is a blurred one, and the mimic revels in turning the hunter into the hunted in the blink of an eye.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Mimics, elusive shapeshifters, can be found lurking in the shadows of dimly lit dungeons, forgotten crypts, and ancient ruins. Their chameleon-like ability allows them to seamlessly blend into their surroundings, making them notoriously difficult to detect. They show a preference for places laden with forgotten treasures, anticipating unsuspecting adventurers seeking fortune.


Mimics are patient predators, capable of mimicking inanimate objects with uncanny precision. They lie in wait for curious prey to approach, springing into action with lightning speed when an unsuspecting adventurer attempts to interact with what seems to be an innocuous chest, door, or other inanimate objects. Once engaged, the mimic employs adhesive pseudopods and sharp teeth to ensnare and devour its prey. Cunning and opportunistic, mimics are known to adapt their mimicry based on the environment, adopting the guise of whatever would lure the most curious intruders.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Darius - 1   Enigma - 1

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