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Minerva Stronghoof

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Minerva was born in the fertile plains that surround Coalridge, into a tribe of Minotaurs known for their strong connection to the land and their unwavering dedication to their community. From an early age, she displayed a rare blend of wisdom and strength that set her apart from her peers.   Growing up, Minerva witnessed the relentless pursuit of wealth and industry that fueled the bustling mining town of Coalridge. The town, situated on the eastern banks of the Duskflow River, thrived on the blacksmith's craft and the extraction of precious ores from the nearby mines. The clang of hammers and the glow of molten metal became the backdrop of her formative years.   Minerva's path diverged from the conventional roles expected of her kin. While she possessed the raw strength of a Minotaur, she also displayed a deep empathy for the farmers and laborers who toiled tirelessly to provide sustenance for the town. It was this empathy that led her to embrace the role of protector, not just for her fellow Minotaurs but for all the inhabitants of Coalridge.   As she came of age, Minerva joined the town's militia and quickly distinguished herself as an indomitable warrior. She honed her combat skills, becoming a formidable force on the battlefield. However, it was her unwavering resolve to safeguard her home that truly set her apart. She saw herself as the shield of the people, ready to stand against any threat that loomed on the horizon.   The emergence of The Red Fang, a menacing gnoll army, brought peril to the doorstep of Coalridge. Minerva's dedication and courage shone brighter than ever as she stepped up to defend the town from this formidable adversary. She became a symbol of hope and resilience, rallying both the townsfolk and the militia to stand united against the Red Fang's relentless onslaught.   Minerva's deep sense of responsibility led her to a seat on the town council, where she could influence decisions and strategies that would ensure Coalridge's safety. Her presence served as a reminder that strength could be tempered by compassion, and that the protection of the people was paramount.   Now, as the Red Fang's threat looms ever larger, Minerva's commitment to her town remains unyielding. She stands as an unbreakable guardian, determined to shield Coalridge from the encroaching darkness, and her legacy as a defender of the people is etched into the very bedrock of the town she calls home.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kills:   Athach - 1

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