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Beware the haunting hoots that echo through the darkness of the forest, for they signal the presence of the dreaded Owlbear. This creature, borne of nightmares and twisted magics, possesses the body of a hulking bear fused with the head and talons of a giant owl. Its piercing gaze and razor-sharp beak strike fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned adventurers. Encounter an Owlbear at your own peril, for its strength and savagery know no bounds.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Owlbears dwell in dense forests, deep within secluded territories. These fearsome creatures prefer areas with ample prey and substantial tree cover, where they can blend into their surroundings. Owlbears construct crude nests among the trees, utilizing branches and foliage to create sheltered resting spots.


Owlbears are imposing creatures that combine the strength and ferocity of bears with the keen senses and predatory instincts of owls. They are fiercely territorial and highly aggressive, attacking anything that intrudes upon their domain. Owlbears are primarily carnivorous, preying upon smaller animals, but they have been known to scavenge for food when necessary.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Alais - 1   Fimbul - 1   Hugo - 1

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