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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rylan's life has been a dance between fortune and risk, with every step taken in the shadows of Stormreach's alleys and under the dim glow of tavern lights. He was born into a world of uncertainty, his parents eking out a living through whatever means necessary to survive. Growing up in the backstreets of the city, Rylan quickly learned that cunning and agility were his greatest assets.   As a young boy, he would often sneak into the bustling gambling dens that dotted the city, mesmerized by the thrill of the games and the allure of easy riches. He proved himself a quick learner, watching the gamblers closely and absorbing the strategies that turned the tide in their favor. But watching wasn't enough for Rylan; he craved a seat at the table.   Time passed, and Rylan's talents grew. His nimble fingers became adept at sleight of hand, and his keen senses allowed him to anticipate a mark's next move. With every hand of cards, roll of dice, and spin of the wheel, he honed his skills and his reputation as a master gambler spread throughout the city.   Yet, Rylan's ambitions were not confined to the gambling table. He recognized that the world beyond the gambling dens was a vast playground of opportunity. He delved into the world of thievery, using his dexterity and wit to liberate precious items from their oblivious owners. He wasn't a common cutthroat; he was a phantom in the night, a shadow that slipped through even the most secure locks.   As he navigated the criminal underbelly of Stormreach, Rylan's path crossed with Weston's on more than one occasion. The two shared a mutual respect for each other's talents, recognizing a kindred spirit in the art of subterfuge. They teamed up on a few daring heists, each time escaping the clutches of the law by a hair's breadth.   Rylan's ultimate aspiration was to accumulate enough wealth to secure his own freedom, to finally leave behind the dangerous game he had been playing for so long. And then there was the allure of the Lantern of Ethereal Guardians, an artifact whispered to possess magic beyond imagining. Its mystique called to Rylan's sense of adventure, stirring dreams of a life beyond the confines of a gambler's den.

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