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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Seraphaxos is a powerful wizard from Aetheria, a land renowned for its mastery of magic. Born into one of Aetheria’s most prestigious magical families, he displayed immense talent for arcane studies at a young age, earning a reputation as a prodigy. He studied under the most famous wizards of his time, amassing knowledge in everything from elemental magic to the secrets of conjuration and ancient rituals. In his prime, Seraphaxos was not only known for his raw power but also for his strategic mind, playing a key role in Aetheria’s many proxy battles against Stormreach.   Now older but no less sharp, Seraphaxos’s goals have shifted from conquest to preservation. He has become obsessed with safeguarding Aetheria's dominance over magic in the 12 Lands, and his deep-seated paranoia about Stormreach’s technological advancements fuels his actions. When whispers of River's Edge, a newly founded kingdom backed by Stormreach, began to surface, Seraphaxos was chosen by the Aetherian council to monitor the town, assess its threat, and uncover any alliances with Stormreach.   However, Seraphaxos is not content with merely observing. His methods are far more proactive. He is intent on manipulating River's Edge’s leaders and shaping the kingdom’s development in a way that benefits Aetheria. His gruff, standoffish personality often rubs others the wrong way, especially since he views non-magic users as inferior. He has little patience for diplomacy and prefers results, which often places him at odds with those in positions of power.   His mission is simple: ensure that River’s Edge never becomes a threat to Aetheria, and if possible, bend it to Aetheria’s will. But Seraphaxos is not a mere pawn—he has ambitions of his own, and if he sees the opportunity to secure even more power, he will not hesitate to act. With his cunning intellect and vast magical repertoire, he is a formidable presence in any room, even as he hides his true intentions behind a guise of an innocent scholar.

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