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Beware the writhing horrors that lurk in the lightless depths, for the seugathi are the harbingers of madness and despair, serving incomprehensible entities from realms beyond mortal ken. With their alien minds and inscrutable motives, they move unseen through the shadowy recesses of the underworld, their presence heralding doom for those who dare to trespass into their domain. To confront a seugathi is to stare into the abyss itself, where sanity unravels and nightmares take form in the cold embrace of the subterranean darkness.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Seugathi, also known as "Tentacled Horrors," inhabit the darkest, most remote regions of the underground world. They make their homes in labyrinthine caverns, subterranean tunnels, and forgotten chasms where the light of the surface world never reaches. These creatures thrive in the oppressive darkness, where they serve as emissaries and agents of their enigmatic, otherworldly masters. Their habitats are characterized by damp, clammy conditions, with the walls slick with moisture and the air thick with the scent of decay.


Seugathi are intelligent and malevolent creatures, driven by inscrutable motives and serving powers beyond mortal comprehension. They follow the twisted commands of their alien masters with fanatical devotion, executing their will with ruthless efficiency. Despite their repulsive appearance, they possess a cunning intellect and are skilled manipulators, using their telepathic abilities to sow fear and confusion among their enemies. In combat, they are formidable opponents, using their powerful tentacles to wield weapons with deadly precision and to ensnare their prey in a suffocating grip.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Caprinus - 1

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