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Shadowmasters are the embodiment of darkness and deceit, lurking in the shadows to confound and torment those who venture too close. Their eerie presence is marked by chilling whispers and shifting shadows that play tricks on the mind. Some believe that they are emissaries of the Abyss, sent to spread chaos and discord wherever they go. Those who cross paths with these spectral fiends often find themselves ensnared in a web of shadows, struggling to distinguish reality from illusion.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Shadowmasters are creatures that dwell on the borders between the material and ethereal planes. They can be found in shadowy and dimly lit locations, often drawn to places where darkness and chaos reign.


Shadowmasters are elusive and cunning beings that thrive on confusion and fear. They use their ability to phase in and out of the ethereal plane to stalk their prey unseen and create illusions that bewilder and terrify. These creatures are known to be highly intelligent and prefer to outwit their opponents rather than engage in direct combat. When forced into battle, they strike with shadowy attacks that target both the physical and psychic well-being of their foes.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Vida - 1

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