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Sister Virexia

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sister Virexia's journey began in the quiet confines of the Seraphiel Convent, where she devoted her life to the service of the goddess. As a young nun, Virexia found solace and purpose in her faith, dedicating herself wholeheartedly to the teachings of Seraphiel and the sacred duty of tending to the sick and needy.   For years, Virexia's unwavering devotion earned her the respect and admiration of her fellow sisters, as she tirelessly tended to the afflicted and downtrodden with boundless compassion and kindness. However, her faith would soon be tested in ways she never could have imagined.   When a deadly plague ravaged a nearby town, leaving its inhabitants wracked with suffering and despair, Sister Virexia felt called to action. With fervent prayers and tireless efforts, she sought to invoke the divine blessings of Seraphiel in hopes of alleviating the town's plight and bringing comfort to those in need.   Yet, despite her best efforts, Virexia's prayers seemed to fall upon deaf ears, and the plague continued to spread unchecked, claiming countless lives with each passing day. Desperate and disillusioned, Virexia turned to the one deity she believed could offer salvation in the face of such overwhelming despair - Irat, the god of death.   In a moment of desperation and defiance, Virexia beseeched Irat for aid, offering her soul in exchange for the power to end the plague and save the innocent lives at risk. To her astonishment, Irat answered her call, imbuing her with dark and forbidden magics that allowed her to stem the tide of death and heal the afflicted.   However, the price of her newfound power would prove to be steep. Branded a heretic and betrayer by her fellow sisters, Virexia was cast out from the Seraphiel Convent, forced to wander the 12 lands as an outcast and pariah. Now, bearing the weight of her dual allegiance to both Seraphiel and Irat, Sister Virexia roams the land as a solitary healer, grappling with the consequences of her choices and seeking redemption in a world torn between light and shadow.

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