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Stag Lord

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into the esteemed ranks of elven nobility, the Stag Lord's descent into darkness began with a hunger for power and a thirst for vengeance. Disillusioned by the constraints of his privileged upbringing and embittered by the injustices of the world, he turned his back on his kin and embraced a life of lawlessness and chaos.   With his keen intellect and ruthless cunning, the Stag Lord quickly rose to prominence among the criminal underworld, his name striking fear into the hearts of all who dared to cross his path. Gathering to him a band of cutthroats and miscreants, he carved out a kingdom of fear and oppression amidst the tangled wilderness, ruling with an iron fist and a heart devoid of mercy.   Yet behind the facade of his brutal tyranny lies a tortured soul, consumed by the demons of his own making. Haunted by memories of betrayal and abandonment, the Stag Lord's heart is a blackened void, twisted by the wounds of his past and the darkness that lurks within.   Driven by a lust for power and a thirst for revenge, the Stag Lord's reign of terror knows no bounds, his cruelty matched only by his insatiable hunger for dominion over the land. And as he schemes and plots from the depths of his forest fortress, the shadow of his influence looms large over the land, casting a pall of fear and despair upon all who dare to defy him.
Circumstances of Death
Beheaded by Hugo

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