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"Deep within the murky depths of secluded rivers, the Tatzlwyrm lurks in silence, its serpentine body coiled and ready to strike. With scales that glisten like wet stone and eyes that gleam with a predatory intelligence, it is a creature of both beauty and terror. Legends speak of the Tatzlwyrm's breath, a toxic miasma capable of paralyzing its prey, rendering them helpless as the dragon drags them into the depths. Many a fisherman has set out in pursuit of this elusive beast, but few have returned, their tales of narrow escapes and haunting roars serving as a chilling reminder of the Tatzlwyrm's dominion over its watery realm."

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Tatzlwyrms dwell in deep rivers and freshwater lakes, often making their lairs in submerged caves or burrows dug into the muddy banks. They favor areas with dense aquatic vegetation and rocky outcrops, which provide ample cover for ambushing prey. These elusive creatures are rarely seen by human eyes, as their natural habitats are typically far from well-traveled paths and settlements.


Tatzlwyrms are solitary and territorial dragons, known for their cunning and stealth. They are ambush predators, lying in wait beneath the water's surface for unsuspecting prey to come close. Tatzlwyrms are adept swimmers and can move swiftly through the water, using their serpentine bodies to navigate tight spaces. Despite their smaller size compared to other dragons, they are fiercely aggressive when threatened and will defend their territory with surprising ferocity. Their primary diet consists of fish, amphibians, and small to medium-sized mammals that come to the water to drink.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Fimbul - 1   Hugo - 1

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