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Thrumble Ironfist

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thrumble Ironfist, a name synonymous with grumbling and discontent, was assigned to the expedition due to his constant complaining. His grouchy demeanor and tendency to find fault in everything annoyed everyone around him, earning him the dubious distinction of being the most disliked dwarf in Frostfall. Even his fellow dwarves couldn't stand his endless tirades and pessimistic outlook.   Thrumble's reputation for grumbling had reached such heights that when Grimgar put out sign-up sheets for the expedition, seven different dwarves decided to play a mischievous prank on him. They all signed up using his name, hoping to get him sent on the journey. Much to their amusement, Thrumble was picked and chose to go anyways.   Undeterred by the prank or the scowls he received from his fellow dwarves, Thrumble pressed on. He was a seasoned and skilled dwarf with an unwavering determination. His skills in mining and craftsmanship were respected, even if his personality left much to be desired. Deep down, Thrumble yearned for something different. He was tired of the constant darkness and confinement of the mines. The thought of exploring a new land and being under the open sky intrigued him, even if he was reluctant to admit it.   As the expedition set foot in Terrafirma, Thrumble's grumbling continued, albeit with a touch of curiosity. He marveled at the unfamiliar landscapes, the vastness of the open spaces, and the unique challenges that awaited them. Perhaps, amidst the new adventures and discoveries, Thrumble would find a reason to let go of his constant complaints and embrace the possibilities that lay ahead. Only time would tell if this change of scenery would have any effect on his cantankerous nature or if he would remain the grumpy dwarf of Frostfall.

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