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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tiberius Copperthorn carries within him the legacy of a family gifted in the arcane arts. Born to a line of skilled portal mages, Tiberius inherited a natural affinity for the manipulation of space and dimension. From a young age, he was drawn to the mystique of portal magic, spending countless hours poring over ancient tomes and delving into the intricacies of the craft.   Growing up in the bustling city of Arcanum Haven, Tiberius was surrounded by a wealth of magical knowledge and diverse cultures. His insatiable curiosity led him to apprentice under his wise and patient grandmother, a revered portal mage in her own right. Guided by her teachings, Tiberius honed his skills and refined his understanding of the intricate web that connected the different corners of the world.   However, his insatiable thirst for adventure and discovery compelled him to venture beyond the familiar confines of his city. Armed with his staff, adorned with symbols of portal magic, and a bag of arcane runes passed down through generations, Tiberius set out to explore the vast landscapes and hidden realms that his magic could unveil.   Throughout his journeys, Tiberius encountered diverse peoples and cultures, using his unique ability to bridge gaps both physical and cultural. He witnessed the beauty of the 12 Lands firsthand, formed bonds with different races, and experienced the breadth of existence that the world offered.   As rumors of unrest and danger began to spread across the lands, Tiberius felt a call to use his gifts for a greater purpose. He joined forces with the Twilight Sentinels, a group known for their dedication to safeguarding the realms from darkness. Tiberius saw in their mission the opportunity to channel his talents into a cause greater than himself – defending the innocent, restoring hope, and maintaining the delicate balance between the realms.   Tiberius Copperthorn, the portal mage with a heart full of wanderlust and a sense of responsibility, journeys alongside his new allies, utilizing his rare gift to create doorways where none existed. His bag of arcane runes remains a testament to his heritage, carrying the echoes of generations past while opening doors to untold possibilities for the future.

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