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Whiptail Centipede

Its sinuous body stretches up to thirty feet in length, its countless legs moving with eerie grace as it prowls through the shadows. With fangs poised to strike and antennae twitching with anticipation, it waits patiently for the unwary to stumble into its grasp. To encounter a Whiptail Centipede is to face a foe more terrifying than any nightmare—a relentless predator, fueled by hunger and the primal instinct to survive.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Whiptail Centipedes are commonly found dwelling in dark and damp environments, such as deep underground caverns, dense forests, and humid swamps. They prefer areas with ample moisture and abundant prey, using their agile bodies to navigate through narrow crevices and rocky terrain. These colossal centipedes can often be found lurking beneath fallen logs, inside decaying tree stumps, or burrowing into the soft earth, where they await unsuspecting prey.


Despite their intimidating size, Whiptail Centipedes are ambush predators, relying on stealth and agility to catch their prey by surprise. They possess remarkable speed and dexterity, capable of striking with lightning-fast precision when hunting or defending their territory. Using their long, whip-like antennae and powerful mandibles, Whiptail Centipedes ensnare their victims, injecting them with potent venom that paralyzes and incapacitates even the largest of prey. Once subdued, they drag their immobilized prey back to their lair to feast at their leisure.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Hugo - 1

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