Pelopionne Character in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil



Pelopionne is a Titan of Ul, a species of biomechanical created beings who, having just been awakened after being dormant for tens of thousands of years, are now trying to establish themselves in the wider galaxy. They were originally created by the Mahact, a group of evil gene-sorcerers who ruled the galaxy with an iron fist many millennia ago. Unlike their progenitors, the Titans tend to be compassionate caretakers and builders who want to strengthen and unite the galaxy, and Pelopionne is no exception.

Character Secrets

Motivation: Discovery

Pelopionne is quite young (and small) for a Titan, activated for the purpose of exploring this new galaxy into which the Titans have reawakened. Despite Pelopionne’s innate curiosity and joie de vivre, the young Titan cuts an imposing figure, standing over nine feet tall on limbs of sturdy alloys and gifted with extensive knowledge by Ul. Pelopionne sees service in the Keleres as a highly logical decision—an excellent way to study other cultures and explore distant parts of the galaxy while helping the wider galactic community.

Agenda: Find the Lost Sleepers

When the Mahact returned, most Titans heard their call and awoke, though they swiftly rejected the orders of their callous creators. However, not all of Ul’s children were roused from their slumber, and some still rest on worlds across the galaxy. Pelopionne was awoken specifically for the purpose of seeking these lost sleepers, and pursues any opportunity to find information about the location of dormant Titans.

Playing this Character:

  • You are curious and good-natured, perhaps to a fault. While you are imbued with the knowledge of your people, you lack the wisdom to be cautious or the guile to exploit that vast wealth of information.
  • You like direct solutions, but dislike violence. If a boulder is in your way, you see no reason not to toss it aside with brute force, but you prefer to deal with sentient beings earnestly, explaining your common goals and needs to reach a compromise.
  • You rely on verifiable facts to assert the truth rather than intuition. When you suspect others are trying to use guile against you, you try to confirm or disprove their statements with information you can personally verify.
  • Children

    Cover image: by mroceannn


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