
Bereg would be just another icy planet, largely ignored by the galaxy, had it not been for the discovery of valuable lodinium by a now long-forgotten Lazax survey team. Drawing government and business interests was not difficult, but securing a workforce willing to go to the frozen world proved harder to accomplish. Over the history of Bereg, a variety of incentives and forced labor kept the mines going. At times, some mines served as penal colonies and general dumping grounds for political dissidents and other inconvenient individuals. At other times, wealthier individuals and corporations paid handsomely to send experienced management staff and skilled labor to operate the mines. These days, indentured laborers make up the majority of the workforce.

One surprise was the discovery of hearty, cold-resistant life in and under the ice. While some creatures became dietary staples for the miners, others proved very aggressive and difficult to kill or eradicate. Arctic sharaks, especially, are adept at getting into the lodinium mines and feasting on the unlucky, usually unarmed, workers until the Frozen Guard arrive to eliminate the threat.

Cover image: by mroceannn


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