Captain Profession in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil


Although traditionally “captain” is a military rank, the Captains of the Keleres are anyone with the skill and charisma to take command of a cohort. Officially, cohort leaders are appointed by senior members of the Keleres, or sometimes by the Tribunii themselves. However, like so many Keleres officials, cohort leaders are often chosen on an ad hoc basis. Some teams elect their own, or perhaps a well-liked Captain decides to put their own cohort together. Regardless, Captains tend to wield significant authority and autonomy, but these are almost entirely dependent on the support of their cohort.

Of course, many Captains were military officers before they were transferred to the Keleres. In fact, a number were officers aboard naval vessels or even commanded starships of their own. Former military officers tend to fall into two groups: junior officers sent by their faction because they were considered “expendable,” and senior commanders whose actions so offended or disgraced their service or a superior officer that they were exiled to the Keleres as punishment.

There are also a few Captains who learned their skills in civilian life. Captaining a freighter or courier vessel still requires a flair for command and a penchant for quick and decisive action, both of which serve a Keleres Captain well. Civilians are less likely to end up in the Keleres, but some of the Great Civilizations do pay their citizens to join or sponsor them rather than sending valuable military personnel. Some civilians even volunteer, either because they believe in the duties of the Keleres or because, through bad luck or their own incompetence, they have nowhere else to go.

Career Skills

Knowledge (Science)

Starting Gear

If using starting gear instead of purchasing gear you may begin play with the following:

  • shot pistol OR shudder blade
  • space suit
  • savant OR mechanimiliar (familiar with the Mechanics skill)
  • comm-bead
  • 2d100 aurei

  • Useful Talents

    Below are some suggestions for talents that could be useful for this career:

  • Tier 1: Basic Combat Training
  • Tier 1: Emergency Thruster Burn
  • Tier 1: Emergency Vacuum Training
  • Tier 2: Angle the Shields
  • Tier 2: Inspiration
  • Tier 3: Expert Gunner

  • Cover image: by mroceannn


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