Creuss: Beyond the Gate Geographic Location in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil

Creuss: Beyond the Gate

The Shaleri anomaly, now known as the Creuss Gate, lies at the center of a region of space known for inexplicable phenomena. For millennia, ships have vanished without a trace in this area, transmitting no distress calls and leaving behind no life pods or debris. Few spacers risk traversing the region, despite the significant time needed to detour around it. Those who do brave this “spooky, bad space” report sustaining impossible equipment failures as well as seeing strange energy clouds and ethereal beings.

Beyond the Creuss Gate is a domain of exotic photonic plasma. This strange domain exists in a parallel universe colliding with our own universe in higher-dimensional space. The natural dimensional splicing of these colliding universes rends open the Creuss Gate. Distortions in spacetime reverberate in both directions, giving rise to the strange phenomena seen in Shaleri space as differing laws of physics seep across the gateway.

This interdimensional wormhole is unstable. By the odds, the collision of two universes should cause a massive explosion. The Creuss actively stabilize the gateway using a series of runic entanglement pylons, smoothing the dimensional tear into an easily traversable wormhole.

In immediate proximity to the gate’s far side is Creuss, home “planet” of the Ghosts of Creuss. What lies beyond is unknown. The Creuss domain appears to continue in all directions. An entire universe may be teeming with strange, energy-based life-forms.

Creuss itself is a “world” of trapped light and high-energy plasma contained by curved spacetime. Photons and gas particles swirl within the spherical boundary of the world. Ethereal creatures—the Ghosts and others—swim through these currents in an utterly alien form of habitation. Unshielded matter from the galaxy is demolecularized on contact with the sphere, making visitation essentially impossible.

More physical structures hang in space near the Creuss homeworld and their side of the gate. Massive entanglement pylons discharge tendrils of energy into the Creuss Gate, seemingly stabilizing it, while the Creuss’s shipyard analogues float above the world sphere. By some arcane process, the Creuss can pull matter, such as minerals, through the gate to forge these structures, their starships, and their encounter suits.

Star Name and Type

none, ethereal luxdimensional universe

Population Status

homeworld, population unkown (100% Creuss)


enigmatic synod

Major Imports

rare minerals, information

Major Exports

high-tech goods, light sculptures, navigation data

Cover image: by mroceannn


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