Karrik aun Charrik Character in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil

Karrik aun Charrik

Many millennia ago, a group of evil gene-sorcerers known as the Mahact ruled the galaxy as vicious tyrants. Eventually they were overthrown and sealed away on an ancient tomb world by the newly found Lazax Empire. In the wake of their defeat, an avian species known as the Shikrai vowed to ensure that the Mahact’s villainy would never plague the galaxy again. They formed a clandestine group called the Argent Flight, who would always ensure that none would make the mistake of reawakening the Mahact.

Many millennia later, the Argent Flight finally failed at their task. The Mahact awoke, and now they plague the galaxy once again. In light of this, the Shikrai of the Argent Flight now have revealed themselves to the greater galaxy in hope that they can inspire all peoples to defeat this ancient menace once and for all.

Motivation: Glory

Karrik aun Charrik is a member of the Argent Flight. In the wake of the Mahact’s awakening, Karrik aun Charrik is one of a number of Shikrai champions sent to guide the newly founded Keleres in defending the galaxy. Karrik aun Charrik is an experienced warrior who desires to be known for getting the job done at any cost.

Agenda: Destroy the Mahact

The Mahact are the greatest threat to the galaxy, and Karrik aun Charrik has long served in an organization that views all other threats and matters of political gain as secondary to the goal of suppressing the tyrants of old. Now that they are loose, Karrik aun Charrik’s path is clear: find the best way to finish the fight, and consign the Mahact to the realm of legends once and for all. This is his quest, which Karrik pursues with zeal.

Playing this Character:

  • You are careful and reserved, in negotiations and on the battlefield, taking the time to prepare for any eventuality you might face. While you do not seek out violence that does not serve the mission, you are perfectly willing to use it to expedite completing your goals.
  • You see the Keleres as an organization of novices, a disorganized group facing a threat it does not fully understand. When fighting enemies as deadly as the Mahact, there can be no room for error. While you are sometimes scornful of the Keleres as an organization, you care greatly for your teammates, and push them to live up to your harsh standards because you want them to survive.
  • Rationally, you know that the return of the Mahact is the worst possible outcome for the galaxy. But a small corner of your mind is pleased, in a twisted way you wish you could deny. You have trained to face this enemy since the day you hatched. Destroying the Mahact is your purpose, and now you get to fulfill it.
  • Children

    Cover image: by mroceannn


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