Keleres Investigator Profession in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil

Keleres Investigator

The Keleres’ stable of investigators come from the ranks of government inspection teams, military intelligence, and even local police forces. Most have years of experience in a government agency, such as the corrupt magistrates of Sol; the Winnu Inspectors with their endless red tape; or even the Yin Inquisition, known for its moral absolutism. While some investigators might be assigned to the Keleres as a form of exile, others might be there to dig up information about their rivals or might even have requested the posting for personal reasons.

Investigators are generally clever and meticulous, and have a gift for sorting fact from fiction to discern the truth of a situation. However, they tend to view most social interactions as battles for the concealment or extraction of information, and they lean heavily on the power of whatever authority they can derive from their official station. Some investigators’ lack of social graces combined with the nature of their work tends to land them in trouble with powerful and dangerous individuals, and as such, most aren’t strangers to attempts on their lives and high-speed chases.

Investigators often take the lead on Keleres missions related to performing inspections or investigating accusations of wrongdoing. They wield what power the Keleres has to conduct interviews and to visit sites to collect evidence of any activity that might violate treaties or pose a threat. Such activity might include covert military actions that defy international law, political assassinations, illegal weapons research, and more. If enough evidence is turned over to the Tribunii, formal censures or trials might occur, and the investigator might be called to testify or present evidence.

Career Skills

Knowledge (Culture)
Ranged (Light)

Starting Gear

If using starting gear instead of purchasing gear you may begin play with the following:

  • beam pistol
  • echo garment (appearing to be regular civilian clothing)
  • savant and comm-bead
  • 2 pairs of autocuffs OR ambassador OR quintisensor
  • 2 z-tabs
  • 1d100 aurei

  • Useful Talents

    Below are some suggestions for talents that could be useful for this career:

  • Tier 1: Quick Draw
  • Tier 1: Toughened
  • Tier 1: Xenoreader
  • Tier 2: Gunslinger Diplomacy
  • Tier 2: Leverage
  • Tier 3: Forgot to Count?

  • Cover image: by mroceannn


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