Keleres Liaison Profession in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil

Keleres Liaison

With so many factions vying for dominance in a variety of fields, otherwise-healthy friction is often in danger of sparking conflict that can engulf entire systems if no one douses the flames. Each faction employs countless specialized personnel to peacefully resolve their differences with their rivals. Such characters once might have worked as ambassadors, maintaining diplomatic ties and acting as a channel by which two factions could exchange information. Alternatively, they might have been negotiators managing corporate mergers, intergovernmental mining rights agreements, trade deals, or even hostage releases. Most have some sort of corporate or government background.

To do their job effectively, most Keleres Liaisons have an accepting, disarming personality and can absorb endless insults and inconveniences without losing their calm demeanor. They also have seemingly endless reserves of patience for dealing with bureaucracy and observing obscure social etiquette, as well as a knack for finding back channels and getting results. However, those sitting across the table from a Keleres Liaison should not mistake their desire to talk for weakness: they are tireless in pursuit of their goals. And while their preferred battlefield is a long conference room table, talks occasionally break down in violent fashion—and most Keleres Liaisons carry some manner of concealed weapon.

A liaison frequently deploys as part of a Keleres operation to help smooth over local bureaucracy or jurisdiction issues. Most host governments aren’t thrilled to endure a Keleres operation on their world, and the liaison tends to be vital in gaining local cooperation and developing allies. The Keleres often deploy their agents to act as a neutral party to moderate negotiations, facilitate peace talks, and resolve any number of disputes. In such situations, the Keleres often give their liaison temporary operational command over their team.

Career Skills

Knowledge (Culture)
Ranged (Light)

Starting Gear

If using starting gear instead of purchasing gear you may begin play with the following:

  • Ambassadorial staff OR shot pistol
  • Dignitary's garb
  • savant, ambassador, and comm-bead
  • 1 z-tab
  • 1d100 + 100 aurei

  • Useful Talents

    Below are some suggestions for talents that could be useful for this career:

  • Tier 1: Clever Retort
  • Tier 1: Diplomatic Instruction
  • Tier 2: Inspiration
  • Tier 2: Leverage
  • Tier 2: Sound Investments
  • Tier 3: Ccrysusian Methodology

  • Cover image: by mroceannn


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