Major Jana Pradhan Character in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil

Major Jana Pradhan

Major Jana Pradhan

Character Secrets


Major Pradhan is a Sol Federation veteran. Her former unit, the 515th Stellar Ranger Battalion, was decimated during a reconnaissance incursion against the L1Z1X and its standard was captured. As the sole surviving officer—and with a record of ambivalence about Sol expansionism—Jana was seconded to the Keleres.

Agenda: Restore Reputation

Jana wants to restore her reputation as a soldier and by extension that of her old unit. Doing so requires taking chances for glory in combat or capturing noteworthy trophies. She especially seeks opportunities for distinction, and even revenge, in action against the L1Z1X.

Playing this Character:

  • You care about your reputation and how it reflects on your team. This means showing valor and integrity, and helping your teammates succeed.
  • Your instinct is to act decisively, but experience has taught you patience.
  • You were wounded in battle with the L1Z1X, losing a leg and many comrades. You refuse to be defeated again.
  • Children

    Cover image: by mroceannn


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