Shepherd Profession in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil


Shepherd is a shorthand term for those who work in personal protection and security, which might include serving as a bodyguard for an important government officeholder or corporate figure, protecting them from protestors or occasionally radical extremists. Other Shepherds might work for celebrities, managing crowd control and fending off obsessed fans. Shepherds who serve as witness protection program officers keep high-risk individuals alive as they wait to testify. Many Shepherds have military backgrounds and may have escorted VIPs through war zones or served as marines protecting cargo freighters from Mentak raiders or pirates.

On the surface, Shepherds appear calm, but in reality they operate in a state of near-constant high stress. Their day is spent imagining worst-case scenarios, identifying and mitigating risk, and studying local threats. This gives many a reputation as a boring stick-in-the-mud. However, most have experience operating with social elites and long ago learned to remain professional and polite when dealing with clients and their social circles, so they usually can avoid being too much of a killjoy until there is an imminent threat.

Shepherds are among the few Keleres agents who don’t generally see working with the Keleres as a career dead-end. A Shepherd’s posting facilitates close contact with hundreds of VIPs every year, any of whom might offer the Shepherd work on their personal security detail. The opportunities for high-paying jobs are constant. Of course, keeping watch over a team of Keleres agents is challenging on its own, with multiple threat vectors on every assignment, often in less-than- friendly locations. So Shepherds can’t afford to get too lost in daydreams about cushy jobs holding open doors for local governors after retirement.

Career Skills

Knowledge (Culture)
Ranged (Light)

Starting Gear

If using starting gear instead of purchasing gear you may begin play with the following:

  • praetorian defender OR shot pistol
  • echo garment
  • quintisensor OR medicum
  • comm-bead
  • 1 dermal sealer
  • 1d100 aurei

  • Useful Talents

    Below are some suggestions for talents that could be useful for this career:

  • Tier 1: Diplomatic Instruction
  • Tier 1: Quick Draw
  • Tier 1: Toughened
  • Tier 2: Heightened Awareness
  • Tier 2: Side Step
  • Tier 3: Ccrysusian Methodology

  • Cover image: by mroceannn


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