Sindra of Brass Dunes Character in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil

Sindra of Brass Dunes


A Hacan merchant captain with early training as a naval intelligence officer, Sindra's merchant clan was bankrupted when her great-uncle’s trade fleet was captured by Mentak pirates. Her clan’s debts were assumed by the Emir of Hercant, with the condition that Sindra join the newly formed Keleres.

Agenda: Restore Family Fortunes

Sindra wishes to restore her family’s fortune. To this end, she seeks personal mercantile opportunities during her missions and tries to discourage any Keleres moves toward policing the galaxy’s exotic goods trade.

Playing this Character:

  • You are a shrewd trader but do not value wealth for its own sake. Instead, you hope to regain the security and freedom it can buy for you and your family.
  • You take a bemused and wry view of fortune’s twists and turns. You prefer to use quick wits and versatility to meet the challenges of the moment.
  • You are capable in several areas and can pilot, fight, or even infiltrate.
  • Children

    Cover image: by mroceannn


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