Undersecretary Cheliyxx Character in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil

Undersecretary Cheliyxx

Undersecretary Cheliyxx

Character Secrets


Cheliyxx was an idealistic member of the Xxcha delegation to the Galactic Council, and was one of the few from any delegation to volunteer for the Keleres. Cheliyxx carries an antique Lazax grav-mace gifted to him by the Winnaran Keeper of the Custodian Chronicle. He sees the Keleres as means to build a new (more equitable) pax imperialis.

Agenda: Increase Agency Influence

Cheliyxx's task is to be indispensible to the Keleres. He takes any chance to increase his (and Xxcha) influence in the agency.

Playing this Character:

  • You are earnest and sincere to a fault and desire to strengthen the Keleres as an institution. Others sometimes find your optimism grating.
  • You see diplomacy and persuasion as superior tools to brute force. But you do carry your grav mace, just in case.
  • Principles matter to you, but you know the value of political influence, too.
  • Children

    Cover image: by mroceannn


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