Wayfarer Profession in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil


A Wayfarer might have worked as an independent trader, plying the commercial traffic lanes in mass haulers, avoiding pirates. Or perhaps they ran a private transport or courier service for the wealthy elite, providing discretion and luxury. Another Wayfarer might have seen the stars while port-hopping as they fulfilled crew contracts for giant starliners and small freighters alike, going where the work took them. Yet another may have a military pilot background, having flown in expeditionary forces or anti-piracy campaigns, piloting interceptors in battle or serving as a ship crew member.

Many Wayfarers come off as upbeat and optimistic. They have seen all walks of life, and lived most of them for a bit themselves, so they know their current situation isn’t as bad as it might be. They also know a bad attitude rarely improves matters. A Wayfarer rarely seems out of place, naturally blending in with any group of people almost anywhere in the galaxy, usually entertaining a small group of new friends with a joke or story. Not surprisingly, the Wayfarer seems to have friends in every port, no matter how remote.

The Keleres contracts Wayfarers to fly classified courier routes and to transport teams of agents from Mecatol Rex to their assignments and back again. Sometimes this might mean using a diplomatic shuttle through the most official of channels, while other jobs might require anything from use of a cover identity in a broken-down independent transport ship to a covert insertion with a state-of-the-art gunship. Wayfarers also provide mission support in the form of making contacts and obtaining information on-site. Occasionally, Wayfarers are even assigned a starfighter to fly fire support or escort missions.

Career Skills

Knowledge (Lore)

Starting Gear

If using starting gear instead of purchasing gear you may begin play with the following:

  • viribuii OR shot pistol
  • space suit
  • spacer trunk
  • mechanimiliar (familiar with the Mechanics skill) OR portable toolkit
  • 1 fire-suppression sphere OR 1 bypass pack OR 1 adhesive rod
  • 1d100 aurei

  • Useful Talents

    Below are some suggestions for talents that could be useful for this career:

  • Tier 1: Emergency Vacuum Training
  • Tier 1: Let's Ride
  • Tier 1: Null Gravity Adept
  • Tier 2: Daring Aviator
  • Tier 2: Sound Investments
  • Tier 3: Solo Flight

  • Cover image: by mroceannn


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