Gaius Eltemel Varronius Character in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil

Gaius Eltemel Varronius

Captain Gaius Eltemel Varronius

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gaius is a very physical man.

Facial Features

Captain Gaius Varronius is a hard-nosed and sharp-jawed individual with high cheekbones and a hard brow that combine to make his face appear like a razor-edged ice sculpture. Swirling light blue tattoos trace the angles and lines of his smoke-blue face in curves and whorls that mellow the harshness in a strangely handsome way.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Captain Gaius Eltemel Varronius is a Disgraced Letnev Captain formerly of The Barony of Letnev. Now he serves the Galaxy as one of the Keleres.

It all began when Commander Gaius Varronius thwarted an assassination attempt aboard his ship against a Federation Ambassador. How the Barony of Letnev wanted him disappeared for that, and they nearly had their way a few weeks later. His trial was barely interrupted by the call from the Council announcing his military transfer. My, how the Baron was livid, his fury shown like a beacon and breach all levels of decorum that day.

His family, a young wife and two small children, his parents, one sibling and several surviving cousins are left to fend for themselves against any possible retaliation the Baron or Cimm Fenn levy against them, though the good Captain is Resourceful and is trying to get them out.


Contacts & Relations

While Captain Gaius Varronius' transfer to the Keleres made him untouchable, and was initially pushed by the Federation of Sol, though the Captain owes them no loyalty now. Their push to make him Keleres was to ensure they had allies, but Captain Gaius Varronius was merely doing the right thing...not acting in support of the Federation.

And while he had no idea that the Assassin was part of Cimm Fenn and dispatched on the Baron's orders Now they both want him dead but can't do anything overtly because of his connection to the Council and how much suspicion his death would raise.

Lately he has been sought out by elements of the New Letnev Union and simultaneous but seemingly coincidentally by ambassadors of the Mentak Coalition.

Captain Gaius Eltemel Varronius is a Disgraced Letnev Captain formerly of The Barony of Letnev. Now he serves the Galaxy as one of the Keleres.

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Cover image: by mroceannn


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