
Alchemists are essentially chemists who have expanded their discipline by incorporating spiritual elements and arcane knowledge into their practices. Generally, such practices are viewed negatively or even prohibited under the Empire's rule, yet the undeniable utility of alchemists in creating potent potions and powders underscores their crucial role in the Empire's ascendancy and sustained power.   While chemists are skilled in producing basic substances like black powder and strong adhesives, the creation of specialized potions—like those that imbue soldiers with fearlessness—or sleep-inducing powders requires an additional layer of arcane understanding.   Alchemists are also deep thinkers and philosophers, dedicated to deciphering the universe's and life’s mysteries by examining the spiritual dimensions of nature and its elements. Typically, they are solitary and idiosyncratic individuals, closely guarding their unique recipes and secrets from competitors. However, they often mentor one or two apprentices to assist in their work and ensure the continuation of their knowledge and methods.   This mentorship forms the basis of distinct lineages or legacies among alchemists, some dating back centuries. Each lineage maintains its own set of closely guarded secrets, fiercely protecting them from outsiders and rival groups.



To embark on the path of an alchemist in the Golden Empire, an individual must possess a natural inclination towards the mysteries of the unknown and a deep reverence for the spirituality inherent in nature. This mindset diverges sharply from that of conventional scientists, who often shy away from such pursuits, viewing them as ventures into illogical or unpredictable territories. Alchemists, on the other hand, embrace these realms, seeking to discover the underlying principles that govern the magical and spiritual world and leveraging them for practical applications.   The journey to becoming an alchemist begins with a foundation in chemistry. However, traditional academic pathways often don't hold their interest for long. The lure of the spiritual and arcane aspects of their studies typically outweighs the appeal of formal education, leading many budding alchemists to abandon their degrees prematurely. They venture beyond the confines of classrooms and laboratories, seeking knowledge in more esoteric and unconventional settings.   Alchemists are uniquely attuned to the spiritual essence of the elements, possessing a rare ability to perceive and manipulate the magical energies that can be infused into chemical substances and materials. This skill set goes beyond mere scientific understanding; it involves an intuitive grasp of how natural and supernatural forces can intermingle and be harnessed together. This blend of science and sorcery enables them to create compounds and concoctions that are far more potent and wondrous than what could be achieved through chemistry alone.   Their expertise lies not just in the physical manipulation of substances, but in the subtle art of infusing them with magical properties. This process often involves intricate rituals, ancient incantations, and a deep understanding of mystical lore, making the practice of alchemy as much an art as it is a science. Through their unique approach, alchemists contribute significantly to the advancements and power of the Golden Empire, bridging the gap between the seen and the unseen, the explainable and the mysterious.

Career Progression


The journey begins as an apprentice to a seasoned alchemist. This stage involves learning basic chemistry, understanding the spiritual aspects of elements, and getting introduced to arcane practices. Apprentices assist in gathering materials, preparing basic potions, and maintaining the workshop.

Journeyman Alchemist

After mastering fundamental skills and knowledge, the individual progresses to a journeyman. Here, they begin to conduct their own experiments, delve deeper into arcane studies, and develop basic potions and elixirs independently. They may also start exploring the market for their creations, building a reputation.

Master Alchemist

Achieving mastery involves creating a significant or unique contribution to the field, such as a groundbreaking potion or a new method of infusing magic into substances. Master alchemists often have their own workshops, take on apprentices, and may specialize in certain areas (e.g., medicinal potions, magical materials, or experimental concoctions). At this stage many master alchemists will join with one corporation or another to contribute to the organization's efforts.

Imperial Alchemist

A rare and prestigious title, these are alchemists who serve the empire directly, often working on top-secret or high-profile projects. They have access to the best resources and influence in the development of policies regarding the use of alchemy within the empire.

Payment & Reimbursement

Alchemists typically earn their livelihood by crafting specialized potions and powders with a range of effects, and they are also known for creating charms purported to offer protection and luck. The effectiveness of these charms is often debated, with some attributing their success to mere belief, while others claim a modest but real benefit. Nonetheless, it's generally agreed that these charms don't match the potency of the alchemists' elixirs and powders.   Independent alchemists often sustain their research and experimental pursuits by selling simpler, more easily produced items. These include stimulants, sedatives, and various powders and ointments designed to alleviate pain and heal wounds. Such products provide a steady stream of income, enabling these alchemists to delve into more complex and personally intriguing projects.   Alchemists employed by corporations or other organizations typically engage in the creation of more advanced and potent concoctions. Their work may include highly effective elixirs, explosive devices, and specialized powders for industrial applications. These alchemists usually benefit from a regular salary and may receive additional bonuses for notable discoveries or significant contributions to their employer’s objectives.   At the apex of the profession are the empiric alchemists. These esteemed individuals dedicate their skills to producing rare and unique substances, often exclusively for the emperor, his elite forces, and his family. The creations of empiric alchemists are not mass-produced, adding to their allure and value. In return for their services, these alchemists are not only compensated with a consistent income but are also granted prestigious residencies within the imperial courts, reflecting their high status and the critical nature of their work in the empire.

Other Benefits

In the Golden Empire, alchemists are generally accepted within society and by the government, primarily because of their valuable contributions to healthcare through their salves, powders, and potions, which significantly enhance medical treatments. Even though they often delve deeper into the arcane than what is typically permitted by the empire, a number of alchemists operate within corporations, organizations, and even directly under the emperor's auspices. Unlike the Shamans of Anuk or the Druids of Brasteria, who lead lives deeply rooted in arcane practices, alchemists in the Golden Empire use magic sparingly, primarily as a supplementary tool to augment their scientific work.   Corporate alchemists are provided with state-of-the-art workshops and benefit from the support of corporate task forces dedicated to procuring rare materials and artifacts essential for their research and development endeavors. This setup enables them to push the boundaries of alchemical science in a well-resourced and conducive environment.   Empiric alchemists, serving at the pinnacle of their profession, are granted access to the abundant resources of the empire, including the rare plants found in the empire's extensive gardens. They too benefit from elite task forces assigned to acquire rare and exotic ingredients necessary for their sophisticated alchemical formulations. Typically, these esteemed alchemists reside within the opulent confines of the empire's palaces, enjoying not only luxurious accommodations but also access to a range of other resources and expertise, such as those offered by artificers and similar professionals. This privileged position reflects the high regard in which they are held and the critical role they play in the advancement and well-being of the Golden Empire.


Social Status

the social status of alchemists is nuanced and multifaceted, shaped by their unique role that straddles both realms. Despite the empire's preference for technology, alchemists hold a significant, if somewhat ambivalent, position in society due to their contributions and the nature of their work. Alchemists are valued for their practical contributions, particularly in the fields of medicine and industry. Their ability to enhance medical treatments with salves, powders, and potions, and to produce specialized substances for various uses, earns them a degree of respect and legitimacy. While their practical skills are appreciated, the alchemists' forays into the arcane can lead to ambivalent attitudes from some quarters of society. The general skepticism towards magic in the Golden Empire means that alchemists often need to balance their use of arcane knowledge carefully to maintain their standing. Corporate and Empiric Alchemists: Alchemists working for corporations or directly under the emperor (Empiric alchemists) enjoy a higher social status. Their affiliation with powerful entities and their access to high-end resources, including elite task forces and luxurious residencies, elevate their standing in society. These alchemists are often seen as integral to the empire's advancements and prosperity. Independent Alchemists: The status of independent alchemists can vary widely. While some may be well-respected for their skills and contributions, others might be viewed with suspicion due to the prevalent skepticism towards magic. Their success and reputation often depend on their ability to market their skills and the perceived value of their creations. Overall, alchemists are cautiously accepted in the Golden Empire. Their blending of science and magic places them in a unique category, where they are neither fully embraced like technologists nor outrightly shunned like those who practice pure magic.



Alchemy is fundamentally an art of commitment and precision. It requires not only the physical labor involved in crushing herbs, mixing materials, boiling, diluting, weighing, and distilling, but also a meticulous attention to ritualistic details. Every step, from the precise arrangement of materials for a ritual to the specific text and direction faced during incantation recitals, is executed with careful planning and deep study.   To aid in these meticulous processes and alleviate the burdens of preparation and execution, alchemists employ a wide array of tools. Standard on an alchemist's workbench are items such as distillation apparatuses, crucibles, mortars and pestles, cauldrons, balance scales, and various flasks. These tools are essential for the basic tasks of alchemy.   However, the alchemist's repertoire often extends to more specialized gadgets. For instance, a clockwork mixing plate, an ingenious device, is used to expediently mix liquids in test tubes, enhancing efficiency in the laboratory. Additionally, specialized goggles, which may possess magnifying qualities or perhaps even magical enhancements, greatly assist alchemists in their intricate work. These innovative tools not only refine the alchemist's craft but also symbolize the unique blend of science and magic that defines the art of alchemy in the Golden Empire.


Alchemists workshops are filled with medicinal herbs like belladonna and nightshade, alongside enchanted flora and rare fungi, each chosen for their unique properties. Animal parts also play a crucial role, like snake venom or bat wings, prized for their traditional alchemical uses. The alchemists' shelves glitter with an assortment of gems and stones, including energy-conducting crystals like quartz, rare gems like diamonds, and even meteorites with otherworldly origins. Metals and minerals are not left out, with traditional alchemical substances like lead and mercury, iron and copper filings, and the revered purity of gold being staples in their transformative processes. he ambiance of their sanctums is often defined by the flickering of differently colored and scented candles used in rituals, along with incense that purifies and prepares the space for magical work. Essential oils, mercurial elixirs, and various alcohols are used as solvents and potion bases, while magical parchments and enchanted inks are reserved for recording potent formulas and incantations.


In an alchemist laboratory, amidst an extensive array of materials and apparatus, there is a notable emphasis on organization. Alchemists often favor wooden storage solutions, such as chests and cabinets, to meticulously categorize their myriad items. This might range from sorting by alphabetical order to classifying based on chemical properties. Despite this inclination towards systematic arrangement, the overall cleanliness of these labs often takes a backseat. It's not uncommon to find remnants of experiments past, like dried bloodstains or scattered residues of various powders and liquids, casually neglected on the floor.   In stark contrast to the disordered state of the lab floors, the alchemists' workspaces are paragons of orderliness. Desks are kept scrupulously clean and orderly, a necessity given the precision and detailed rituals integral to alchemical practices. Illumination within these mystical spaces is always ample, be it through generously sized windows that capture the journey of the sun or the flickering glow of gas lamps. Yet, the preferred source of light for most alchemists is the steady, ambient radiance emitted by assorted fluorescent crystals, prized for their consistent and unobtrusive luminescence.   The walls of these laboratories are typically lined with heavy shelves, sagging under the weight of a diverse collection of literature. Books of various dimensions cover an eclectic mix of subjects, ranging from the scientific—such as biology, botany, and geology—to the esoteric realms of occult studies, philosophy, and spiritual explorations. This extensive library serves as a testament to the alchemist's broad range of interests and the depth of knowledge required in their mystical and transformative endeavors.
Research / Scientific
Medium demand among population. High demand in corporate and empire.


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Dec 8, 2023 15:34 by Marc Zipper

Amazing very well thought out in detail about what alchemist is. I love that yo keep referencing mix of magic and science to make better outcomes.

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