
Give me the tools, I'll give you art

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In the grand tapestry of the empire, Artificers are the master weavers of machinery and intricate clockwork. These visionaries form the technological backbone, with mega corporations and even the emperor seeking their unparalleled expertise. While many may claim the title of mechanics or engineers, only a select few ascend to the esteemed rank of Artificers. With the right materials and time, their prowess in repair and creation knows almost no bounds. The Moofas, with their agile fingers and innate technological affinity, dominate the realm of clockwork artistry. Yet, when it comes to the heavy machinery and steam engines, humans remain the predominant force.



Embarking on the esteemed path to become an Artificer is both a matter of dedication and innate magical prowess. The journey typically commences with deep-rooted studies in mechanical principles, metallurgy, and theoretical engineering. Apprenticeship is the next phase, where budding talents closely shadow established Artificers, delving into hands-on tasks ranging from the minutiae of clockwork repairs to the grandeur of constructing massive machines.   Among the various races, the Moofas, with their natural affinity for clockwork, often find themselves rapidly ascending to master ranks. Their inherent mastery of this domain is a sight to behold, setting them apart in the vast world of mechanics and engineering.   However, true to their intense devotion to their craft, Artificers are often reclusive figures. Unlike the polished Elegants, an Artificer's social graces might be a tad unrefined, given their penchant for immersing themselves in their workshops for days on end. Their true essence lies not in eloquent speech but in the marvels they craft.   The secret sauce behind an Artificer's prowess isn't merely technical acumen but a unique magical ability. This innate power allows them to enter a state of deep focus, enabling them to visualize the intricate dance of parts and their interactions. This almost otherworldly insight propels those gifted with this ability to unparalleled heights of mastery, making them the true architects of technological wonders in the empire.

Career Progression

Following a dedicated phase of training and apprenticeship, individuals earn the titles of mechanics or engineers. They then ply their trade in workshops scattered throughout the empire, ranging from private ateliers to corporate establishments and even expansive industrial hubs catering to diverse companies. A mechanic's ascension to the esteemed title of 'Artificer' is marked by their involvement in a project of notable intricacy and their demonstrable contributions—either by significantly enhancing the project or pioneering one of their own. The distinction between mechanics and Artificers can be likened to the culinary world: while many might cook or dub themselves 'chefs', it's the truly exceptional ones that leave an indelible mark.
  Upon acquiring the distinguished title of 'Artificer', many dedicate years to refining their craft, choosing to specialize in a specific domain or even multiple areas. Consequently, in the realm of clockwork and steam, one is never simply labeled an 'Artificer'. Instead, each carries a unique signature of expertise and a distinct predilection for certain types of work. This specialization becomes an intrinsic part of their identity, marking them not just as masters of their craft, but as connoisseurs of particular facets within the vast world of machinery and invention. Artificers titles are informative and practical containing the field of expertise and market area where the artificers is working. For exmple:
  • Corporate Clocker
  • Privateer Steamer
  • Industrial Specialist
  • Empiric Weaponsmith
  • Gadgeteer Corporate Innovator
  • Industrial Clocker
  • Heavy Machinery Privateer Expert
  • Corporate Weaponsmith
  • Empiric Gadgeteer

Payment & Reimbursement

Artificers are well sought after and may receive substantial rewards for their expertise. Private artificers will receive payment based on the complexity of the project and the demand. Corporate artificers will receive steady income and bonuses based on the project they are working on. Empiric artificers will also get a steady income, housing and rewards based on their work.

Other Benefits

Usually the only reward an artificer wants is to have access to a good workshop and the freedom to experiment on designs and schemas. Usually these are provided by corporates and emperor, thus many artificers will choose to work under such organizations. However, private artificers can accumulate enough wealth to create their own workshop and benefit from freedom of choice to pursuit whatever project they desire.



Artificers serve as the driving force propelling the empire into the future. As visionary architects of tomorrow and craftsmen of technological wonders, their unparalleled ingenuity is the bedrock of the empire's might. It is their unique prowess in devising solutions and surmounting challenges that sets the empire apart, leaving other kingdoms in their wake.


The realm of clockwork artistry is predominantly dominated by the Moofas, whose expertise in this elegant craft remains unparalleled. While many Moofas artificers also venture into the intricacies of firearms and gadgets, their presence is somewhat rarer in the domains of steam and hefty machinery. Humans, on the other hand, showcase versatility by filling roles across the spectrum. However, their predominant strength and prowess are most evident in the sectors of steam technology and heavy machinery.



Tools vary depending on the artificers area of expertise. Clockers will have fine tools for tweaking small gears and bolts, Steamers will use wrenches and spanners, etc. An artificer will always have a mobile kit of tools for any emergency that may come across.


Artificers will use workshops that are tailured to their needs, with tools, work tables and materials to create anything they may design.
Alternative Names
Clocker, Steamer, Specialist, Gadgeteer, Weaponsmith
High Demand by big corporations, emperor and privateers


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