Moofa Species in The Twin Worlds | World Anvil


logic brings harmony, reason is the path to bliss

The Moofa, an indigenous race to Aaz, present an enigmatic chapter in the world's history. Emerging in historical records approximately 10,000 years ago, their origins remain a tantalizing mystery. There is a conspicuous absence of archaeological evidence predating this period, and no clear indications of their evolutionary trajectory, cloaking their distant past in intrigue.   The Moofa, with their inherent proficiency in technology and logical thinking, have become pivotal to the technological landscape of Aaz. Their natural aptitude for understanding mechanical concepts is remarkable, allowing them to excel particularly in fields requiring precision and finesse. They have an innate talent for the more delicate technological arts, such as the intricate workings of clockwork mechanics and the nuanced principles of electricity.   This technological prowess has made the Moofa indispensable in the advancement of the Golden Empire. Their main habitat zones, located predominantly on the eastern continent, have played a crucial role in shaping the Empire's rise to technological supremacy. The presence of the Moofa in these regions has not only influenced the development of local technologies but has also had a ripple effect across the entire Empire.   Their contributions range from the creation of sophisticated timekeeping devices to advancements in electrical engineering, each innovation reflecting their deep understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of technology. The Moofa’s role in the Golden Empire's technological ascendancy is a testament to their intellectual capabilities and their ability to harness and manipulate the intricate forces of their world.

Basic Information


Physiologically, the Moofa bear a resemblance to humans, yet they are distinct in several notable ways. Towering between 6 and 7 feet in height, they possess a leaner build and are completely devoid of hair. Their eyes, slightly larger than those of humans, maintain a balance that is familiar yet subtly otherworldly. This slightly enlarged ocular size does not estrange them but rather adds to their unique allure.   The Moofa are distinguished by their hands, which are not only elongated but also equipped with an extra joint on each finger. This anatomical peculiarity endows them with exceptional dexterity, allowing their hands to manipulate objects of minute complexity with astounding ease. Coupled with this, their heightened visual acuity enables them to perceive details far beyond the capability of human eyesight.   Their skin tones further differentiate them from humankind. Ranging from stark white to various shades of pink, their pale complexion adds another layer to their distinctive identity, setting them apart in the diverse tapestry of Aaz.   Completely devoid of hair from their legs to their heads, including the absence of eyebrows, moofa present a striking visual contrast to humans. The only exception to this hairlessness is the presence of eyelashes, which not only serves a practical purpose in protecting their eyes but also softens their otherwise stark appearance.   This lack of hair could initially strike observers as unusual or even startling. However, this distinctive feature is balanced by their delicate facial features, which contribute to a unique aesthetic. The combination of their hairlessness and finely structured faces gives the Moofa a distinct look that sets them apart.   Moofa's larger eyes are both captivating and unnerving to someone who is unaccustomed to their distinct features. Within the society of the Golden Empire, these striking ocular traits have transformed into a subject of fascination and have come to be regarded as a hallmark of unique aesthetic appeal.   To an observer encountering a Moofa for the first time, their pronounced eyes might evoke a sense of wonder, mixed with a hint of unease, due to their uncommon appearance. However, as one becomes more familiar with their presence, the initial discomfort often gives way to admiration and intrigue.
Moofa are lean, agile and tall. While they may not possess the same level of athletic capability as humans, their physical form endows them with certain advantages in specific areas.   Their lean and tall stature, coupled with agile movements, makes them appear imposing, but in terms of strength, they are comparable to humans relative to their size. This suggests that while a Moofa might not match a human in activities that demand robust physical strength or endurance, they hold their own through other physical traits.   A key strength of the Moofa lies in their exceptional hand-eye coordination. This ability enables them to excel in activities that require precision and accuracy, such as ranged shooting. Their proficiency in this area highlights their natural aptitude for tasks that demand careful aim and controlled movements. Additionally, their agility and coordination serve them well in sports like badminton, which, while not demanding the same physical exertion as some other athletic pursuits, requires quick reflexes and precise control.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproductive process of the Moofa aligns closely with that of humans, revealing an intriguing parallel in the biological tapestry of Aaz. Despite the similarities in their genetic codes, there are distinct differences that underscore their unique species status.   One of the notable differences lies in their gestation period. A Moofa female experiences a longer pregnancy, typically lasting up to 10 months, which is a month longer than the average human gestation. This extended period of development plays a crucial role in the early capabilities of Moofa offspring.   Upon birth, Moofa babies exhibit a remarkable level of physical and cognitive development. Unlike human infants, they are able to walk almost immediately, showcasing an advanced level of motor skills and physical coordination from a very early age. Additionally, their cognitive development is accelerated, with the ability to speak emerging after just 12 to 13 months. This rapid development in infancy highlights the distinct evolutionary path of the Moofa, setting them apart from humans in terms of early childhood growth and learning.   The inability of humans and Moofa to interbreed further solidifies the Moofa as a separate species. Despite the superficial similarities and close genetic makeup, this reproductive barrier is a definitive indication of their distinct evolutionary lineage.

Growth Rate & Stages

The developmental trajectory of Moofa is indeed fascinating, marked by a rapid progression through stages that take humans significantly longer to traverse. Their accelerated growth and development imbue them with unique characteristics and societal dynamics.   Upon birth, following a ten-month gestation period, Moofa infants display an immediate capacity for walking, a remarkable feat indicating advanced motor skills from the outset of life. Their linguistic development is equally swift, with the articulation of their first words occurring as early as 12 to 13 months of age. This rapid progression in early childhood sets a precedent for their overall developmental timeline.   The Moofa's childhood, characterized by playfulness and exploration, is relatively brief. By the age of 12, there is a noticeable shift in their interests towards science and reasoning. This transition from play to a more serious, academic focus happens much earlier than in humans. By 14, Moofa are considered cognitively mature, possessing intellectual capabilities akin to a 25-year-old human. This early attainment of adulthood reflects in their societal roles and responsibilities, with Moofa assuming adult tasks and positions at an age where human counterparts are still in the throes of adolescence.   While the Moofa experience a swift cognitive and emotional maturation, their physical development mirrors that of humans. This means that a 14-year-old Moofa, despite being intellectually and emotionally equivalent to a 25-year-old human, retains the physical appearance of a human adolescent. This disparity between mental maturity and physical appearance can lead to moments of dissonance and unease in humans interacting with them.   Despite their rapid development and early maturity, the Moofa's lifespan aligns with that of humans. However, their aging process differs significantly. They experience a quicker onset of old age, typically showing signs of deterioration around 60 years of age. Once these symptoms manifest, their decline is relatively rapid, with their life expectancy not extending much beyond this point. This accelerated aging process adds a poignant dimension to their existence, as their years of vitality and contribution are compressed into a shorter time frame compared to humans.

Ecology and Habitats

Moofa, traditionally forming small, close-knit communities, are increasingly drawn to the bustling energy of large cities and metropolises. The magnetic allure of technological advancement and progress beckons them, marking a shift in their societal patterns.   In their living spaces, whether in urban settings or more secluded communities, Moofa demonstrate a profound appreciation for coziness and comfort. Their homes are meticulously arranged to reflect this, with warm, inviting colors and carefully chosen lighting creating a harmonious atmosphere. The Moofa’s penchant for atmospheric elements extends to the use of music, complementary color schemes, textured fabrics, and the incorporation of plants and gardens. These choices are not merely aesthetic but are deeply reflective of their individual personalities and states of mind. Thus, entering a Moofa's home is akin to stepping into a physical manifestation of their inner world.   The Moofa harbor a distinct preference for the artificial over the natural, a perspective rooted in their value system. To them, something that is built embodies love, dedication, design, and reasoning, and is therefore seen as inherently superior to what is merely natural. This perspective, however, does not imply a disregard for nature. On the contrary, they find the design of nature endlessly fascinating, viewing it as a foundational blueprint that human-made designs aspire to mimic and enhance.   Their appreciation of crafted environments over natural settings is evident in their leisure preferences. A Moofa is more likely to be found absorbed in the intellectual stimulation offered by a museum or an opera house, where internal design and architecture ignite their minds, rather than wandering through the woods. Even in their appreciation of green spaces, they show a preference for gardens that are thoughtfully designed and cultivated, as opposed to wild, untamed meadows. This inclination highlights their deep-seated reverence for creation and design, a core aspect of their identity and culture.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While they may lack the physical strength of humans, their resourcefulness and sharp intellect in their early years more than compensate for this.   In the wild, Moofa hunting techniques are tailored to their physical capabilities. They rely on setting traps and using ranged weapons, favoring strategies that require precision and planning over brute force or melee combat. This methodical approach aligns with their preference for smaller game, as they are more inclined to hunt rabbits, birds, and similar-sized animals. This choice of prey complements their predominantly vegetarian diet, which is a significant aspect of their culinary culture. Moofa are adept at growing their own vegetables or foraging for them in the wild. In the urban landscapes of the Golden Empire, the Moofa have access to specially designed parks, tailored to their dietary and aesthetic preferences. These parks are not mere chaotic assemblages of flora but are meticulously organized and ordered, resonating deeply with the Moofa's love for artificial design and structure. Each section of these parks is carefully planned and segregated by types of vegetables and fruits, creating a harmonious and systematic layout.   This organization not only caters to the practical aspect of making it easier for the Moofa to locate and gather specific produce but also appeals to their intrinsic appreciation for design and order. The deliberate arrangement of these parks, with their neat rows of plants and distinct areas for different types of produce, is a testament to the Moofa's desire to impose structure and design even in nature.
The aesthetically pleasing and functional design of these parks is a perfect blend of the Moofa's preference for the crafted environment over the natural wild. While some humans also enjoy the orderly beauty and utility of these spaces, for the Moofa, these parks are a reflection of their ideals – where nature is respected and appreciated but is also shaped and enhanced by thoughtful design and careful planning.
To preserve their food, Moofa have adapted by creating underground storage spaces. These cooler environments are ideal for keeping their food fresh, particularly in climates or seasons where above-ground temperatures may not be conducive to food preservation. Every moofa's home has an underground basement or a double walled storage section, if they live in an appartment, for this purpose.

Biological Cycle

Moofa females experience a fertility window that is comparatively shorter than that of human females, remaining fertile until around the age of 30. This earlier decline in fertility influences their social practices, often leading to early marriages and a tendency to have smaller families, typically with no more than two children.   Family bonds among the Moofa are exceptionally strong and enduring. Parents and children maintain close, interconnected relationships throughout their lives, with instances of estrangement being virtually nonexistent. This deep familial connection is a hallmark of Moofa culture, reflecting their emphasis on unity and lifelong bonds.   As they approach old age, around 60 years, a notable divergence emerges between male and female Moofa. Moofa males begin to experience a decline in their cognitive abilities. This deterioration manifests as increased forgetfulness, errors in calculations and design, and gradually progresses to a condition resembling Alzheimer's disease. As they approach the end of their lifespan, this cognitive decline deepens, leading them to fade slowly into a state of oblivion.   In contrast, Moofa females generally retain their cognitive faculties until their death. As their male counterparts experience this decline, it is often the females who take on the role of caregivers. They provide support and care for their partners in these twilight years, a testament to their enduring commitment and the strength of their familial bonds. This aspect of Moofa life underscores not only the differences in gender-specific aging but also highlights the compassionate and caring nature of the Moofa, particularly in the face of adversity and vulnerability.


Known for prioritizing reasoning over emotion, logic over intuition, and technology over magic, the Moofa are deeply invested in science and technology, dedicating themselves to these fields with a fervent passion. While Moofa women often show a distinct inclination towards the aesthetic arts and philosophy, adding a nuanced balance to their societal focus.   The Moofa's ability to concentrate intensely and commit wholeheartedly to their endeavors imbues them with a meticulous and ritualistic approach to life. Interactions with them are far from casual; meeting a Moofa involves engaging in proper greetings and social body motions, such as bowing and handshaking, accompanied by other specific signs. However, Moofa who coexist with humans often adapt, condensing their ceremonial greetings to brief bows or special salutations, and they graciously overlook the more hurried greetings of humans without offense.   This penchant for detail and ceremony is also evident in their language, characterized by its lengthy structure, abundant syllables, and complex word connections. Communication among Moofa is thus a deliberate and intricate affair.   In terms of relationships, Moofa place immense value on long-term connections and close-knit family bonds. Friends are regarded with the same reverence as family members, and they are known for their loyalty and unwavering honesty. This intrinsic honesty is perhaps why few Moofa pursue political careers, though many excel as advisors and assistants, where their counsel is highly esteemed.   Harmony and stability are central to the Moofa way of life, permeating their homes, workplaces, and general demeanor. Their work environments are epitomes of cleanliness, order, and organization, often adorned with elements that reflect their current state of mind, creating a harmonious ambiance.   Adaptability and resourcefulness are key strengths of the Moofa, enabling them to navigate and thrive in challenging circumstances. While not typically leaders, they are astute strategists, and their logical insights are always sought after and valued.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most moofas live on the easter continent.

Average Intelligence

Moofa are highly intelligent and they are unmatched in the field of logic, reasoning, science and technology. Moofa women also tend to excel in philosophy and pattern art. They have little grasp on the more illogical fields like abstract arts, drama and sports.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Moofa possess a suite of extraordinary sensory and cognitive abilities that set them apart not only in appearance but also in their interaction with the world around them. Their notably larger eyes are not just a physical distinction but a gateway to an enhanced perception of the minutiae of their environment. With visual capabilities that surpass the need for magnifying tools, the Moofa can observe and analyze details imperceptible to the human eye.   Complementing their visual acuity, the Moofa's brains are specially adapted to process complex movements, dimensions, and mechanical designs with a speed and clarity far exceeding human capabilities. This neurological advantage allows them to comprehend and manipulate intricate systems and structures with remarkable efficiency.   In tandem with their mental acuity, the physical dexterity of the Moofa is equally impressive. Their highly sensitive fingers, endowed with additional joints, are capable of manipulating mechanical parts and delicate items with extraordinary skill and speed. This level of precision in their manual dexterity is unparalleled, making them masters in the art of fine mechanics and delicate technological tasks.   Beyond their sensory and cognitive skills, the Moofa exhibit an exceptional capacity for focus. When dedicated to a task, they can maintain intense concentration even under extreme conditions. Their ability to stay undistracted and committed to their goal is a testament to their mental fortitude and discipline. This trait not only enhances their individual capabilities but also contributes significantly to their role in advancing the technological prowess of the Golden Empire.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The naming conventions of the Moofa reflect their meticulous and thoughtful nature, with each name carrying significant meaning and resonance in their language. In keeping with their penchant for detail and complexity, Moofa names often consist of multiple syllables and the merging of words, creating names that are not only linguistically rich but also deeply personal and culturally significant.   Each Moofa name, such as 'Abdavennovi', 'Dabivio La', or 'Attencilloma', is carefully chosen to convey specific meanings or qualities. These names often embody concepts, traits, or histories that are highly valued within their culture. The intricate construction of these names, with their blended syllables and extended structures, is a direct reflection of the Moofa's love for elaborate designs and their appreciation for the depth and nuance in language.   For the Moofa, a name is not just an identifier but a story in itself, a narrative that encapsulates an aspect of their identity or heritage. These long and intricate names can sometimes pose a challenge for humans, therefore moofa under the Golden Empire adopt shorter names that somewhat reflect their original names. Therefore 'Abdavennovi' that roughly means "one that sees clearly" will become "Vision" and 'Attencilloma' that roughly means "grasping reason from wind" will become "Breezon"

Beauty Ideals

The Moofa possess an innate appreciation for order and design, as evidenced by their affinity for patterns: geometrical shapes, symmetries, and the golden ratio captivate them deeply. They are often found pausing to admire the perfection of these forms, whether encountered in the natural world or within artificial creations. This fascination with pattern and structure is a reflection of their logical and structured minds.   Their aesthetic preferences extend to physical appearances as well. While they are naturally drawn to fair skin and large eyes, which mirror their own physical traits, they harbor a particular fascination for dark-skinned humans. This fascination borders on a deep-seated intrigue, almost to the point of fetishization, indicative of their attraction to characteristics that starkly contrast their own.   Harmony in any form is inherently pleasing to the Moofa, yet they hold a special admiration for human art. The allure lies in the subtle infusion of chaos and discord within human creativity – a slight deviation from the Moofa’s penchant for order, yet just enough to elevate the art in their eyes. This slight imperfection or unpredictability in human art captures their imagination, offering them a perspective that is both novel and exhilarating.


Not much is known about the early history of the Moofa, dating back approximately 10,000 years. Archaeological records from before this period are conspicuously absent, leaving their origins and evolutionary path shrouded in mystery. Intriguingly, even in their earliest known history, when the Moofa inhabited caves akin to early humans, archaeological findings suggest a level of technological advancement far beyond that era's norm. Artifacts from these sites indicate the use of sophisticated tools, some even incorporating mechanical mechanisms, hinting at their long-standing proficiency in technology.   It is clear from historical accounts that the Moofa were never a hunter-gatherer society. They have always existed within stable communities, relying on their immediate surroundings for sustenance and resources. This lifestyle allowed them to cultivate and hunt what they needed without the necessity of nomadic existence.   In contemporary times, while most humans live within the structures of kingdoms or city-states, the Moofa have been instrumental in leading a technological revolution on the eastern continent, culminating in the rise of the Golden Empire. Their strategic acumen has been pivotal in military victories, their logical reasoning instrumental in diplomatic negotiations, and their innovative prowess critical in the development of war machinery and economic growth. Their significant contributions to the Empire's advancement have seamlessly integrated them into the modern civilization of today.   Historically, the relationship between Moofa and humans has not always been as mutually beneficial. In the past, the two species coexisted with a degree of unease. Humans relied on the Moofa for knowledge and technological tools, while the Moofa depended on humans for resources such as food and art, and occasionally for protection against other human groups. Despite this interdependence, physical and cultural differences often led to animosity, with the Moofa frequently finding themselves disadvantaged and forced to relocate. Additionally, the Moofa's lower birth rate hindered their ability to expand as rapidly as humans, making positive relations with humans essential for their survival and prosperity.
Scientific Name
62 years
Average Height
180cm - 250cm
Average Weight
70kg - 140kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
milky white to light pink.
Related Technologies


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