
Shadows represent the pinnacle of espionage and assassination, answering directly to the emperor. On rare instances, their unique expertise is contracted to influential guilds or corporations with the emperor's permission.
  They are expert at information-gathering and espionage, but are also employed as saboteurs and assassins when the need arises. Their blending skills and shadow manipulation skills are a secrete trade known to this elite group only and members of the group guard them zealously.
Although the main aim of the Shadows is espionage and intel, they are most definately been used for sabotage and assassination, although no one really can trace any lead to them. The Whisper sometime is known to take credit for some of the Shadows acts, knowing they will never admit to it, but even they fear their wrath and try not to involve themselves with matters of the empire affairs. A shadow is rearely seen and it is said that if it does, it means you are about to die.



Shadows are selected using a special device called "The Dark Eye". The device is used on children at the age of 2 and it detects any shadow affinity in the toddler. This mysterious affinity manifests on one in a hundred children, therefore those that show signs of it are highly prized by the group.
Once it is found it is taken from its home to live the rest of his life in the embrace of the Shadow Sanctum, where he will learn the secret ways of the shadows and will be educated complete loyalty to the emperor.

Career Progression

In the hallowed halls of the Shadow's Sanctum, trainees undergo a rigorous five-step educational program, each phase critical to mastering the elusive craft of the Shadow profession.
Shadow Manipulation: Taught at the earliest stages of their training, novices learn the intricate art of manipulating shadows to conceal their presence. This foundational skill is considered a rite of passage for all trainees.
Poison Handling: Shadows not only become adept at crafting a wide array of lethal poisons but also develop an internal resilience against many toxic substances, enabling them to use these concoctions with unparalleled expertise.
Martial Arts: Each Shadow becomes a master of an exclusive martial art known only within the sanctum. This secret discipline blends conventional fighting techniques with the unique abilities afforded by their training, making them formidable combatants.
Art of Blending: Here, trainees refine the valued skills of disguise, stealth, and the ability to hide in plain sight. Whether merging into a crowd or standing solitary in an open field, a trained Shadow is near-impossible to detect.
Weapons Proficiency: The Shadows are taught that the world is full of instruments of harm, limited only by one's imagination. From conventional blades to everyday objects, they learn to wield anything and everything as a weapon.
Shadow Manipulation: The most prestigious of the Shadow's talents is their ability to manipulate light and shadows in their near vicinity. This well kept secret is taught only to those who have the affinity for it and are most loyal to the emperor. Upon successful completion of these five pivotal steps, trainees earn the honor of serving as fully-fledged Shadows, the backbone of the emperor's intelligence network and the secret strength underpinning his reign.
Throughout training the Shadows are indoctrinate in complete loyalty to the emperor and eventually they will defend him with their lives.   Once fully pledged Shadows, agents have several paths of service:
Aether Operative: Most Shadows start here, conducting espionage, surveillance, and other covert operations. They may be assigned to gather intelligence on political figures, foreign entities, or potential threats to the empire.
Venomancer: Shadows who excel in the alchemy of toxins, crafting magical-infused and chemical poisons that can incapacitate, charm, or eliminate targets.
Sanctum Warden: Those chosen to teach and oversee the training of new initiates at the Shadow's Sanctum, they are the ones that show rare ability to help others to reach their full potential and have vast understanding in all the 5 steps of training. Usually, but not always, they are veteran agents, that can no longer work in the field.
Eclipsar Assassin: The crème de la crème of the Shadows, these Master Assassins utilize both mechanical gadgets and powerful shadow magic to execute high-profile targets.
Mercantile Specter: Occasionally, Shadows are leased to influential guilds or corporates for special assignments. They use their skills to solidify alliances or acquire proprietary secrets, all while cloaked in enchantments and gears.
Shadow Commander: The pinnacle of a Shadow's career. These are the leaders of the organization, responsible for overseeing operations, setting policy, and advising the Emperor directly on all matters of espionage and security.

Other Benefits

Power of the Word: Emperor's Shadows are an elite secretive group, that is an extent of the emperor hand and act as his eyes and ears. As such they also act as his voice too. Delivering sensitive information to others is usually done using shadows. This give the shadows an aura of respect and awe from any who encounters them. Shadows can operate above the law, bypassing bureaucracy and any legal entanglements that may hinder their missions.
Financial Stability: As a high-risk professionals, Shadows are well-compensated, allowing them to maintain an upscale lifestyle complete with luxury amenities—everything from residency at the emperor's lands, high-end gadgets, steam-powered carriages and more.
Exclusive Gear: As needed by their profession, Shadows get first access to the latest mechanical inventions—spyglasses with integrated telescopic and night vision features, specialized grappling hooks, or clockwork drones for reconnaissance. State-of-the-Art Healthcare: Injuries are treated by the top doctors in the empire, with surgical automatons, and alchemical treatments that speed up recovery and can even replace lost limbs with intricate prosthetics.
Resource Network: With the Empire's extensive railway and airship networks at their disposal, Shadows can rapidly deploy to any location, ensuring they are always where they are most needed.
Retirement Plan: Those who survive the perils of active duty are entitled to a comfortable retirement, often including a private estate and a pension sufficient for a life of luxury.



The Shadows serve as the Emperor's left hand, doing his bidding where diplomacy fails and regular means end. They are enfrocers of his wrath and will and his eyes in the dark. While inquisitors and diplomats serve the emperor openly, the sanctum serves him secretly.

Social Status

Shadows shroud themselves in secrecy, deliberately avoiding public exposure, and as a result, they do not enjoy any social standing or recognition in the public eye. Nevertheless, their notoriety, or perhaps infamy, permeates throughout the empire, giving rise to a plethora of myths and legends that swirl around their enigmatic existence. Of course within the inner circles of the empire they are well regarded and respected.


The shadows are an elite force and only a small percentage of the population displays any affinty to the Veil to attract the attention of the Sanctum.


The shadow sanctum was founded 30 years ago by one of the emperor's closest friends, Cassian Blackwood, who practiced the veil. He was the first shadow and also the sanctum worden today.
Intelligence Gathering
Empire's Elite
Famous in the Field


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